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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th July 2021 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale also attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor Oliver Hunt.
James Limond attended to be co opted onto the parish council to fill one of the 2 vacancies. James was proposed by Councillor Graham Penter and seconded by Councillor Susan Vile.
2/ Public Questions & Visitors
MDDC Councillor Peter Heale mentioned that MDDC had received awards for recycling which should be communicated to the parish. Clerk to find article on MDDC Facebook page and share it onto the PC page.
Peter was also able to answer a previous query about the kennel hounds being allowed off leads through the village. This is allowed. He is also now aware of the village newsletter so will forward information to the clerk for forwarding if appropriate.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct apart from a spelling error which should have read Tony Tancock and not Hancock which had already been amended by the clerk before publishing onto the website.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Openreach Community Fibre Partnership broadband application.
The application has 9 addresses so needs to attract more. Newly co-opted Councillor James Limond works for Openreach so able to give an insight to the scheme, explaining that there are £1500 gigabit vouchers available per property and £3000 per business and this is to the premises fibre broadband not a cabinet.  No commitment is required at the application stage so this might encourage more to register. He is happy to take questions at the Annual Parish Meeting on 6th September and knock on doors in the village beforehand to try and accelerate enthusiasm. Clerk to add a short piece into the newsletter about the APM.

5/Adoption of an Emergency Plan
A shortened version of the Emergency Plan will be produced as an “emergency” point of contacts. There was a previous pack produced for new movers into the village with a “main contacts” information sheet, so Councillor Tucker to re visit this with former councillor Jo Hunt to get it updated and delivered with the newsletter. The PC agreed to cover the printing costs.

6/Grass cutting and new village sign
Extra verges were cut by the contractor after a misunderstanding this time but the PC agreed to pay for the work completed. It is all clear now what is required.
Village sign by Petty Ford needs replacing but MDDC Councillor Peter Heale offered to paint it instead. He requested Councillor Lawrence Peters take it down so the clerk will pass on the message.

7/ Insurance Review
Insurance cover reviewed and it still meets the Parish Councils needs. Clerk checked the accidental death cover upper age limit which is 75 years, is still covering all councillors, and confirmed it was the case.
There will be a 3% increase in cover in line with the RPI but no increase in premium as already in a fixed term agreement.

8/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning – Application 21/01293/LBC
Listed building consent for part rebuilding of fire damaged garage/store. Trixes Cottage Bridge Reeve. All councillors were notified by email or in person and none had comments to make so the application was stated as supported by the PC.
Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison – The AGM is being held on 21stJuly 2021. 3 new committee members added, bringing good experience to the team. Flower Show confirmed as going ahead on 21st August with MDDC Councillor Peter Heale judging the scarecrow competition.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges – Not present, but a message to the clerk confirmed that the pot holes at Blackhorse corner have been filled but look like opening up again with the excessive rainfall. It was mentioned by Councillor Heale that when reporting online to ensure you scroll down and report as a “councillor” as it makes a difference.
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole – not present but a new flag has been erected.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – Gail to look at the PC website page we have on the MDDC site and tidy it up and add more “news”. Clerk to send access details to Gail.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – church service was held on the 4th July which was well attended; from 1st August the church should be back to normal without Covid19 restrictions. There is a meeting being held on 22nd July at 2pm to discuss future plans. The Chapel have been emailed about the grant cheque for grass cutting which was issued in May but no response so far. No other news.                                                                                                                   

a) Update on bank balance £8125.21 as at 30th June 2021
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
S Goody (clerk) - £20.99 – replacement flag
S Goody - £7.49 – Stationery costs
P Wright –  £112 - verge cutting
Community First Insurance - £199.26

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 9th September 2021
There will be feedback from the APM on 6th September to discuss. The APM will have a suggestion box and will serve Cheese and Wine.