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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th March 2021 at 7.30pm by teleconference.

 1/ Members present, Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillors Joanne Hunt, Oliver Hunt, Lawrence Peters, Susan Vile and Gail Tucker.
Councillor George Markou sadly passed away on 26th January 2021 due to Covid19 but it was agreed to delay advertising his vacancy until the AGM in May out of respect to his family.
A memorial bench is being planned to be sited at the village hall funds for which were collected by public donations.

 2/ Public questions –
No members of the public to present any questions. However prospective Mid Devon County Councillor Peter Heale was present to observe the meeting. Peter was previously MDDC chairman and has decided to return to the district council to represent our ward and replace John Dawe who passed away recently. Peter offered himself up for questions and was quizzed about pot holes. He suggested that they must be reported online and that there is an option for councillors to report as well as members of the public so to use this in future.

3/Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes...
Broadband upgrade for Wembworthy?
The clerk stated that there has still been no further contact from Matt Barrow but a message was picked up from Chulmleigh that an Application for a Community Fibre Partnership was being done and that we could consider the same for Wembworthy.
The clerk is to pursue this on behalf of the PC but  it would be preferred if a councillor could take this on regarding funding applications etc and Councillor Jo Hunt will be available later in the year once work commitments die down.

5/Grass Cutting Grants
It was unanimously agreed to set the amounts the same as last year which were as follows
Churchyard £600
Chapel cemetery £200
Village Hall £200
Payments will be issued at the meeting on 13th May 2021

6/Planning applications
21/00235/FULL   Erection of silage barn and livestock extension at Upcott Farm
Deadline was 3Rd March 2021. Councillors connected via email to confirm that no comments or objections to make so this was confirmed with MDDC by the clerk
The chairman requested councillor Vile take Planning as a specialist role until the AGM which involves liaising with the councillors not conversant with emails.
7/Updates from the councillors on their specialist areas

a)AGM arrangements for May and the councillor vacancy
The clerk is to check with the Electoral Officer about timescales to make sure we can postpone the vacancy until the AGM.
The AGM date if wanting to be remote again will need to be before 7th May 2021 as interim legislation runs out then with regards to remote meetings. It was decided that a face to face meeting is preferred anyway so the usual date will be kept on 14th May 2021.

b)Updates from councillors
Graham Penter – Church & Chapel
Nothing to report from the chapel again.  Services have been held in the church under covid regulations but no other news. Councillor Tucker will check the church notice board, as outside her house, as would expect an Easter service etc.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges
Councillor Hunt has received details of the Road Warden Scheme which he would like to have considered by the PC. Chairman Penter mentioned that this was highlighted several years ago with no one willing to take on the role. However it could be tried again via the newsletter and the AGM. It was also suggested by Councillor Tucker that when a pot hole is reported online that all councillors are informed of this so that all  councillors can report  it as this may be more effective.
Lawrence Peters – Flag Pole
The Union Jack  was flown at half mast as a mark of respect for Councillor Markou up until the funeral on 15th February. The next change will be the England flag for St Georges Day.
Joanne Hunt – Village Hall liaison and funding information.
The Hall remains closed until 12th April 2021. A meeting will be held soon to discuss an events programme. The Locality Grant was missed but further hospitality MDDC grants were received which will help greatly with the refurbishment plans.
Gail Tucker – Public Relations
Councillor Tucker looked into the suggestion of a planted Xmas tree but is not recommending this due to uncertainty regarding the ownership of the land and  the roots possibly interfering with the church wall. It could also obstruct the bus shelter and view at the junction.
Otherwise the Face book page and newsletter has been the mainstay during the national lockdown and have worked effectively.

8/ Accounts
a) Update on bank balance £5312.52 as at 26th February 2021
An increase of £20 was a donation received towards the memorial bench
b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
S Goody – clerks wages, half yearly payment £320
HMRC – PAYE on clerks wages £80
S Goody – printer ink and stationery £18.41
D Markou – donation towards G Markou memorial bench  £20
The village hall is also owed £20 for the 2 meetings held in July and September 2020 so as to keep this within the current accounting year a cheque for £20 will be issued.
All cheques to be signed on 18th March 2021 so the 3 days notice is given to the PC.

9/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda

Items carried forward to the next meeting (as face to face)
Electric car charging points in the village?
Emergency planning
Bank signatories to be changed.
Audit Report to be approved and signed off

Date of next meeting Thursday 13th May 2021
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.