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Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held at the village hall on Thursday 27th May 2021 at 7pm.

Outgoing Chairman Graham Penter – Report
The Chairman noted that the last 12 months had been challenging due to the Covid 19 pandemic. 
The council used teleconference meetings for the very first time, but he now preferred being able to conduct them face to face.
A central contact has been maintained with the clerk able to arrange collection of prescriptions and shopping for vulnerable residents.
Councillor Jo Hunt also arranged Christmas Quiz packs to all residents which were very happily received during the lockdown period.  
The sad news of Councillor George Markou passing away from Covid 19 in January, as he had been a great asset to the council with his tenacious approach to ongoing issues. He will be greatly missed.
The lockdown also resulted in Agenda items being delayed, which should now get back on track.

The Clerk/RFO - Treasurers Report
The full report will be published on the notice board and website but the summary is
Additional income of £300 received from a Devon County Council Covid 19 grant to provide the quiz packs.
Expenditure down by £339 as no Election fees or Annual Parish Meeting Cheese & Wine evening held, and a one off First aid Course was included in last year’s figures. As funds in hand are up the Parish Council had already decided to apply for a reduced precept amount.

Re election of Officers
Councillor Graham Penter is happy to continue as Chairman for another 12 months as nominated by Councillor Lawrence Peters and this was voted for in agreement by all other councillors present.
Councillor Oliver Hunt was nominated by Councillor Penter to be Vice Chairman, which he accepted, and again this was voted for by all councillors present.


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27th May 2021 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Susan Vile, Eggesford Parish Meeting Representative, Chris Rogers and Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires.
Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale joined the meeting at 8.20pm
Apologies were received from Councillor Gail Tucker due to illness.
A letter of resignation has been received from Councillor Jo Hunt so there are now 2 vacancies to fill. The clerk is to publish these as soon as possible.

2/ Public Questions & Visitors
A member of the public was present, Brian, who asked about the cutting of the grass verges as still untidy at the bottom of the village. He suggested weed killer as well as removing the grass. Potholes were mentioned as particularly bad at Blackhorse corner. A new village sign on the entrance to the village at Petty Ford requested.
Grass cutting and the reporting of pot holes already in hand and the request for a new sign to be considered.
DCC Councillor Margaret Squires – Has just been to the Annual DCC meeting today at Sandy Park due to larger space needed for social distancing. Has been working from home a lot more so landscape very different to last year. The Locality Budget Grants will re open on 1st June so any application to be submitted promptly and will be online this year via the DCC website.
Chris Rogers Eggesford PM Representative – Annual parish meeting delayed until 23rd June 2021 held at Eggesford Church, all councillors invited. Boundary changes potentially will mean 2 different MDDC councillors for our neighbouring parishes.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Broadband Upgrade for Wembworthy
The clerk is to start an application for the Openreach Community Fibre Partnership scheme which will be publicised on Facebook and the village newsletter.
Road Warden Scheme
This was advertised in the village newsletter but has had no response. It was suggested to revisit this at the Annual Parish Meeting, the date for which needs to be set. The PC agreed that it would be held on 6th September 2021.

5/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Church and Chapel liaison
Chris Rogers is a churchwarden so was able to update the PC.
Services have continued on a limited basis and Chris himself is taking the next service on 6th June.
The chapel has not reopened yet after lockdown but is restarting on 30th May 2021.
Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison –
The AGM is being held on 21st July 2021. Tea cake and conversation sessions are recommencing on Friday 4th June 2021.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges – Pot holes have been reported online by OH and shared with other councillors by email to increase the number of reports. OH is intending to email Steve Tucker at Devon Highways to arrange a meeting about Blackhorse Corner as particularly bad, Margaret Squires asked to be copied into the email. The Road Warden scheme as previously minuted.
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole –  the flag was flown at half mast for both Councillor George Markou’s passing and former councillor Tony Hancock’s passing.  Due to weather damage a new flag is now needed. The clerk is to arrange this.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – not present
Susan Vile – Planning – 1 new application which was presented to all councillors who had no objections or comments to make. So the application was supported as confirmed by the clerk to MDDC.
21/00552/HOUSE Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension

Location: 4 Coronation Villas Wembworthy Chulmleigh

It was agreed by the Chairman that the Church/Chapel liaison role should be reallocated to Councillor Vile and Planning will be dealt with by himself.  All other roles to remain the same.

6/Emergency Planning
A draft plan had been circulated by Councillor Joanne Hunt before she resigned and it was agreed after some discussion and a vote to look at adopting a plan at the next meeting.
Voted for GP, OH, SV, against LP

7/Electric car charging point for the village
Some information was circulated before Councillor Jo Hunt’s resignation which has been considered. The PC has decided not to proceed with this option as this point in time but recognises its future possibility.

8/Great British Spring Clean 28th May to 13th June 2021
The clerk has procured some collection bags from the organisers but as the timescales are tight to participate, they will be used for a future litter pick.

a) Update on bank balance £8454.11 as the precept has just been received.
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Annual grass cutting Grants
PCC Wembworthy £600
Wembworthy Chapel £200
Wembworthy Village Hall £200

Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) subscription £59.82
S Goody - clerk - £69.08 - reimbursement for purchase of replacement defibrillator pads.

c) Annual Audit Report agreed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk (RFO)
i)  Annual Governance and Accountability Return Certificate of Exemption for Authorities with an income of less than £25000 approval by the Parish Council. 2020/2021
ii) Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021
iii) Accounting Statements 2020/2021

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday July 8th 2021