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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th November 2021 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale also attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor James Limond.
2/ Public Questions
Kate Bailey from the village attended.
a) A request for a notice board inside the bus shelter for the general public to use as the PC one is locked.
b) A request for the PC to contribute towards the village planters in the spring
c) Tree planting – Kate would like to see more trees planted in the village possibly at the village hall or other available areas to help the environment so asked the PC to get involved.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct.

4/Matters arising
Refurbishment of village sign – still to be completed. To be removed by Councillors Penter and Peters first.
Water on the road from Lama Cross to Partridge Walls – DCC Councillor Margaret Squires has emailed Steve Tucker from Devon Highways asking for a site meeting. MS currently is currently in isolation with Covid19 so unable to attend meeting to give an update.

5/Budgets for 2022/23 - Setting the Precept
(including wages review for the clerk)
Clerks wages £800 per year, originally agreed as an annual Stipend.
This equates to £8 per hour, if based on 100 hours per year (current workload) and has never been increased since 2008. However the clerk used technology to previously reduce the workload hence it was never pursued by her.
As minimum wage is now £8.91 and due to rise to £9.50 in April 2022 it was agreed appropriate to increase the clerk’s wages to £10 per hour from April 2022 as 100 hours per annum is the appropriate workload. This will continue to be paid half yearly £500 each payment.
Bus Shelter Notice Board – All councillors voted to go ahead with providing this. Clerk to speak to 2 carpenters for quotes and the existing PC notice board can be refurbished at the same time.
Village Planters – All councillors agreed to donate £100
Jubilee celebration 2022 – The PC would like to mark the event with several events over the bank holiday weekend.
Grass cutting grants to continue, currently £1000 P/A
Inflationary pressures – running at 3/4%
Council tax collection rates are less at 97.5% due to Covid 19 which represents a 1% increase on Council Tax bills, without even increasing the precept amount.
Predicted increase in Precept will be £100 to £3700 which is an effective total increase of 4% on council tax bills. (Band D calculation is used)
Balance in hand of £6489.70 will be sufficient to cover other spending plans.
This is to be voted on at the meeting in January once the Jubilee celebration plans are finalised.

6/Queens 70th Jubilee 2022 – celebration plans
The PC would like to liaise with the Village Hall committee to organise some events over the Bank Holiday weekend in June 2022. The chairman could be invited to a PC meeting and/or Councillor Gail Tucker could attend a hall meeting as PR is her specialist area. Sarah (the clerk) is already the liaison for the village hall.

7/Emergency Plan for Wembworthy
The emergency contact list was agreed as sufficient and has been completed by Councillor Tucker. This will be distributed together with the village newsletter and it was agreed to cover the printing costs. The cost for the welcome pack information sheet was also agreed but no invoice yet received by the clerk. Councillor Tucker to ask for a combined invoice.

8/ Update on the councillors specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
21/02162/FULL – removal of condition 9 planning permission to allow holiday accommodation to be used as an Annexe (without occupancy restrictions) at Gosses Farm Bridge Reeve
No comments or objections from the PC
Oliver Hunt - Roads & Hedges –  The usual pot holes have been reported. Councillor Hunt to liaise with DCC Councillor Margaret Squires and Steve Tucker from Devon Highways about the water on the road see matters arising.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village – not present but has updated by email.  The proposal was submitted to Openreach with 91 addresses included on 3rd October 2021. The last contact was 7th October where they advised they would be providing a ball park costing which is still being awaited. Clerk has asked that this information be forwarded to the village newsletter.
Lawrence Peters - Flagpole – suggested getting a more expensive flag as once again the edges have frayed. Clerk to look into a price for next meeting.
Gail Tucker - Public Relations and Social Media –
Remembrance Day service on 14th November unable to attend. Councillor Susan Vile agreed to attend with MDDC Councillor Peter Heale and lay a wreath for the PC.
Christmas tree has been costed at £60 the same as last year and suggested it being installed on the first weekend in December with the first weekend in January to take it down. Agreed by PC.
PC Website – will upload both information sheets.
Newsletter – highlighted by the clerk that no input from the PC in the last 2 months, considering the broadband application. Will be input this month about the Xmas tree etc.
Susan Vile - Church & Chapel liaison – Remembrance Day Service 14th November 2.15pm. Carol Service 5th December 6.30pm. Christmas Eve Service 8.30pm. No contact from the Chapel again sadly.
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison
Quiz 26th November fully booked almost immediately. Sarah was unable to attend last meeting but next one is 18th November and Councillor Tucker is to attend to talk about Jubilee 2022 celebrations.

a) Update on bank balance £6489.70 as at 30th September no movement since.
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda  - n/a nothing to pay

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Finalising the Precept
Grass Cutting Grants
Jubilee 2022 celebration plans
Agreeing Notice board costs

Date of next meeting Thursday 13th January 2022
Meeting closed at 9.08pm