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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th September 2021 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale also attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor Oliver Hunt.
2/ Public Questions
No members of the public were present.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Village Information Sheet – The sheet has been updated by Councillor Gail Tucker and has been attached to September’s village newsletter.
Refurbishment of village sign at Petty Ford – Still to be completed but in hand with MDDC Councillor Peter Heale offering to do the work free of charge.

5/Feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting
The meetings attendance numbers were disappointing, considering that the Broadband application was the main topic of conversation. 
It will be considered having the meeting earlier in the year in 2022.
Councillor James Limond spoke to all attendees and collected another 7 addresses for the Open Reach Community Broadband application.
The feedback from parishioners about grass cutting was positive for the first time as the current contractor is doing as good job.
A discussion about recycling resulted in MDDC Councillor Peter Heale aiming to provide additional boxes to the village and particularly the Lymington Arms, who questioned the current system. The boxes could be kept at the village hall and accessed when needed.

6/ Update on the councillors specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
Consultation request  14th July 2021
21/01321/HOUSE – Stonecrest Wembworthy – Erection of garage following demolition of existing and erection of extension to bungalow.
No comments or objections from the PC and the application was approved on 3rd September 2021.
Oliver Hunt - Roads & Hedges – not present  - Some road resurfacing taking place at Blackhorse Corner today but unsure what being done.  It was brought up by councillor Susan Vile that there has been a constant stream of water on the road between the boundary bridge for Brushford and Partridge Walls which has caused breakdown of the road surface. This technically comes into the Brushford Parish but there are no contact details available for the Parish representative, if there is one. Devon County Councillor Margaret Squire agreed to email Steve Tucker at Devon Highways to highlight the problem.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village
– As per notes about the Annual Parish Meeting, more signatures have been added.  A poster is to be put up at the Lymington Arms to garner more interest and will add the topic into the next village newsletter. JL also to continue knocking on villager’s doors and will do some work to identify the SMEs in the parish.
Lawrence Peters - Flagpole –
nothing to update
Gail Tucker - Public Relations and Social Media –
only information sheet as before and has updated Facebook with details of the APM although it was mistakenly reported as a broadband box for the village rather than fibre to the premises so to be amended. PC website has been tidied up and will add info sheet and newsletter link.
Susan Vile - Church & Chapel liaison – The church is taking part in the Devon Historic Heritage Trust Day on 11TH September with a sponsored walk and produce show. On 29th September there is a Michaelmas Day Service being apt as the church is named “St Michael & All Angels”. 3rd October Harvest Festival Service. No contact from the Chapel again sadly.
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison
The village Flower Show was a great success considering the “pandemic effect”. A total of £1120 was raised towards the ongoing refurbishment of the hall. The committee has decided to go ahead with a full structural report, with the obvious cost involved, to progress the works.

a) Update on bank balance £6985.47 as at 31st August 2021
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
S Goody (clerk) - £400 – half yearly wages (no PAYE liability)
S Goody - £6.79 envelope and postage costs
S Goody - £88.98 – Cheese & wine expenses for the APM 6th September

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 11th November 2021
 Emergency plan to be revisited as it is distinct from the Information Sheet which has been updated.
Review of the clerk’s wages suggested by Councillor Gail Tucker
Christmas tree to source and lights to organise

Meeting closed at 8.35pm