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Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th January 2021 at 7.30pm by teleconference.

 1/ Members present, Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillors Joanne Hunt, Oliver Hunt, Lawrence Peters, Susan Vile and Gail Tucker.
Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor George Markou as he is in hospital with Covid 19.

 2/ Public questions –
No members of the public to present any questions.

3/Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes...
Broadband upgrade for Wembworthy?
Despite contact with Matt Barrow by email no response has been received by the clerk. Recent communications from The Rural Bulletin is claiming that promised roll outs to rural areas will be cancelled any way amid the current economic climate. The PC is therefore unable to see a way forward for now.
Financial contribution towards the community Xmas wreath making packs.
The clerk researched the ability to make a grant to an individual rather than a charity. The PC is able to contribute under S145 funding to support arts & crafts/entertainment which benefits the community, so the amount of £60 agreed will be issued at tonight’s meeting. 40 wreaths were distributed which was the best take up ever of this type of activity by Red Hen Studios and 31 of those were village residents.  It was discussed by the PC the possibility of contributing the same to an Easter wreath activity but was decided on a vote not to proceed as not as wide ranging a theme as Xmas.
OH yes

5/Setting the precept
Information received from MDDC showed that if the precept amount stayed the same at £3700 that this would represent an increase of 2% on Council Tax bills as the council are projecting a lower council tax collection rate this year due to the effect of Covid19 on the economy. It was therefore agreed by the PC to reduce the amount to £3600 as funds in hand are sufficient to sustain this. No major projects are being planned within the budget in 2021.

6/Updates from the councillors on their specialist areas

Graham Penter – Church & Chapel
Nothing to report from the chapel. Services have been held in the church but now unable to continue due to new lockdown.
George Markou – Planning - not present so clerk in his absence
  20/01662/HOUSE – Erection of single storey extension at 4 Coronation Villas - the application has been approved.
20/02044/FULL- Conversion of agricultural workshop to dwelling Bridge Reeve - no comments or objections by PC.
20/02090/FULL - Erection of extension to an agricultural livestock building Upcott Farm Wembworthy – no comments or objections by PC
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges
More potholes have been filled . The clerk suggested adding Councillor Hunt to the Facebook page to remind parishioners to report road problems themselves and communicate any updates.
Lawrence Peters – Flag Pole
LD together with GP will remove the Xmas tree this weekend.
Joanne Hunt – Village Hall liaison and funding information.
The village hall remains closed there was a Tea cake & conversation session in December but due to the lockdown can no longer go ahead. AGM should be February but will be postponed. MDDC has reopened the Covid 19 grants but unsure whether the hall is eligible this time. The Locality grant of £500 with DCC councillor Margaret Squires still to be applied for and needs to be spent by the end of March.
Gail Tucker – Public Relations
The Xmas quiz packs organised by Councillor Jo Hunt were really well received by the village with lots of feedback via Facebook and email. Councillor Tucker expressed her thanks on behalf of the PC for the work that Councillor Jo Hunt put into this.  The Xmas tree was put up by Councillors Peters and Penter. The cost was only £35 this time and a donation was made to the church of £25 to use their electric for the lights. There has been a suggestion by a resident that a permanent tree could be planted so councillor Tucker to look into this.

7/ Accounts
a) Update on bank balance £5727.67 as at 31st December 2020
An increase of £300 which was the DCC grant for the Xmas packs.
b) Cheques to sign as per Agenda
J Hunt - £315.15 – to cover the full amount of the Xmas packs, an email was sent to all members on 20th December 2020 to gain agreement.
G Tucker £60 – for Xmas tree £35 and donation to church £25 for electric
S Manley (Red Hen Studios) £60 – contribution to Xmas wreath making activity.

8/ AOB and items for next meeting’s Agenda
Councillor Vile asked about public footpaths and who to contact as signage appears to be missing at Partridge Walls. Clerk to check and advise who to contact.
Items carried forward to the next meeting (as hoping to be face to face)
Electric car charging points in the village?
Emergency planning
Bank signatories to be changed.

Date of next meeting Thursday 11 March 2021
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.