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Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting held at the village hall on Thursday 19th May 2022 at 7pm.

Members present and apologies
Councillors Graham Penter, Oliver Hunt, James Limond, Gail Tucker and Susan Vile present.

Outgoing Chairman Graham Penter – Report
the outgoing chairman noted that 2021 was a transition year as Covid19 was still prevalent and meetings and actions were still being affected.
Chairman Penter thanked Councillor Gail Tucker for organising the Jubilee celebrations in June, the first community event for the PC since the Queens 90th Birthday in 2016. Councillor Tucker was successful in obtaining a grant so that entertainment, food and activities can be provided free of charge. He also thanked councillor James Limond in taking on the baton for better broadband with the Openreach application which is progressing well.
The PC has refurbished and added a new notice board to the bus shelter. The PC has continued to contribute towards the upkeep of the churchyard, chapel and village hall with grass cutting grants, a grant for village planters and improved cutting of the verges.
The Christmas tree and lights were again provided and has become a permanent addition to the PCs plans.

The Clerk/RFO - Treasurers Report
the full report will be published on the notice board and website but the summary is
the precept was reduced from £3700 to £3600 due to reduced expenditure during the pandemic.
Expenditure for 2021/22 did increase due to the notice boards and having to replace defibrillator pads and batteries, due to its first time usage. No other significant variances.

Re election of Officers
Councillor Graham Penter was nominated as Chairman for another 12 months by Councillor Gail Tucker and this was voted for in agreement by all other councillors present. Councillor Oliver Hunt was nominated by Councillor Penter to be Vice Chairman, which he accepted, and again this was voted for by all councillors present.

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19th May 2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Eggesford Parish Meeting Representative, Chris Rogers and Rob Perry from Wembworthy Church.

2/ Public Questions & Visitors
No questions

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Village Sign refurbishment – The sign has now been removed for painting. It was suggested by Councillor Penter that the supporting poles be replace as rusted through. Councillor Hunt to inspect the other village signs and liaise with Councillor Penter to purchase. The clerk reminded the PC that DCC Councillor Margaret Squires provided some locality budget money toward a village sign some years ago, so an email to be sent by Councillor Hunt to check.
Water on road to Partridge Walls
Emails have been sent by councillor Hunt to Steve Tucker at Devon Highways, a repair vehicle came out and cleared drains and filled some potholes either side of the main road damage. Councillor Hunt was told there were no funds for a permanent solution at present.

5/Queens 70th Jubilee 2022 – celebration plans
 Saturday 4th June. There is a tea party and cake competition in the afternoon, together with craft activities by Red Hen studios. A social together in the evening with a free BBQ, subsidised bar and live music band from local band Tumbling Dice. Also a scarecrow competition with winner announced on the day. Commemorative mugs are being presented to all children in the village. The grant for £2700 will cover all expenditure. It was agreed that prizes for the scarecrows would be chocolates and jubilee mugs not cash as suggested by Councillor Tucker.
There will be a trophy for the cake competition.

Eggesford rep Chris Rogers - Beacon Lighting ceremony on 2nd June at Eggesford Airfield for 9.45pm. There will be food and a cash bar with profits going to South Molton British Legion.

6/Playground Responsibility
The latest communication with Mid Devon District Council stated that the PC is unable to take on the responsibility this year due to budgets already being set, so the decision has been deferred until next year. The meeting in July needs to concentrate on looking at discussing this together with gaining guidance from similar authorities who have this experience, as it is clear Mid Devon District Council no longer want to continue in this role.

7/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
Proposal: Change of use and conversion of function room/restaurant to holiday accommodation. Location: the Lymington Arms WembworthyComments to ask that a condition that the business is retained as a public house as it is an asset that the village does not wish to lose. Clerk to email a draft of comments before submitting to ensure all councillors are in agreement.
Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges –
As minuted above regarding road sign and water on the road. Other road and pot hole damage again at Bridge Reeve to be reported
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole –  Damage to flagpole noted and flag retrieved from the ground. Will be sorted for jubilee and new flag flown.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – Councillor Tucker will be organising photographs for Jubilee event to support the Grant expenditure.
Susan Vile – Church and Chapel Liaison - special service on 5th June 2022 for the Jubilee.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village – village meeting 26th May 2022. A community interest company needs to be formed to take on the contract with Open Reach , this may end up being the parish council if the villagers don’t want to do this.
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaisonA successful quiz was held , the tea cake and conversation session are now changing to a coffee morning on the first Friday of each month. A Big Breakfast is planned for the Autumn.

a) Update on bank balance £12045.77
£9348.77 PC funds,
£2697.00 which is being held for the Jubilee Fund (grant application)

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
Annual grass cutting Grants
PCC Wembworthy £600
Wembworthy Chapel £200
Wembworthy Village Hall £200

Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) subscription £62.19

c) Approval of Year End Accounts and Audit Report
i)  Annual Governance and Accountability Return Certificate of Exemption for Authorities with an income of less than £25000 approval by the Parish Council. 2021/2022
ii) Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022
iii) Accounting Statements 2021/2022
Within the annual review of internal controls it was agreed that bank statements will be signed off by chairman at each meeting as checked.

9/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday July 14th 2022