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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th November 2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Laurence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile. Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale were also present.
Apologies were received from Chairman Councillor Graham Penter

2/ Public Questions
No members of the public were present.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Village sign refurbishment – A new sign has been purchased by the clerk after approval by all councillors via email and telephone conversation. The price is £171.60 and a Locality Grant has been approved in principle by DC Councillor Squires of £100 towards the purchase.

Jubilee Event Grant - final decision about commemorative plaque is to go ahead as final finances revealed that £240 available.  As Councillor Tucker was not present at the last meeting it was asked if she had obtained a quote for the lettering. It was agreed to keep the wording to the Jubilee only.  Still awaiting price and clerk will use another source to get a comparative figure. The aim was to get the plaque in place before the end of the year. As a Christmas tree is again to be provided by the PC and will be likely to obstruct its view it can now wait until January 2023.

Taking over the playground?
It was communicated through the village newsletter with an invitation to attend the PC meeting tonight but no one in attendance. The PC will use the Annual Parish Meeting on 8th December to discuss with the village if they wish it to be saved. It will also be in the newsletter again in December.  Final decision to be made at Januarys PC meeting.
The clerk is to contact an Insurance broker for a typical quote and find out ROSPA inspection costs.

5/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
22/10627/HOUSE Hillcrest, Wembworthy – erection of single storey extension and alterations to roof to provide extension to first floor accommodation. – Approved
22/01826/FULL – Conversion of workshop to dwelling - the Beeches Bridge Reeve. No comments to make by the PC
ENF/22/00303/URBAN – query lodged regarding dormer extension to Treoss Wembworthy as appears to be above roof level. Awaiting response

Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison
Events planned now include a Big Breakfast on 7th January 2023 and a quiz on 27th January 2023.  There will be no Christmas event.

Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges –traffic calming measures outside the village playground should be 30 mph but as advised by DC Councillor Squires unless it is an accident black spot this won’t get changed by Devon Highways. Councillor Hunt to look at existing signage to see if the PC can add its own signs for traffic calming. He will make a recommendation for the next meeting. Pot holes have been reported in the village as the winter weather is reopening a lot of the repairs previously done.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole – Nothing to report the Union Jack is now back flying after the late Queens mourning period.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
Newsletter was updated by the clerk and the Facebook page.  A Christmas tree will be going up again this year by the flagpole. The wreath for the Remembrance Day service should be at the church already and will be laid by Councillor Vile at the service on 13th November.

 Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – Councillor Vile not present but sent an email update.

No news from the Chapel.
Remembrance Day service 13th November 2.15pm.            

a) Update on bank balance
£7488.72 as at 31st October 2022 which is made up of
£7248.72 PC funds
£240 Jubilee Grant
b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – purchase of new village sign £171.60

7/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda.
The Asset of Community Value Application was resubmitted as agreed and the timescale for consideration ends on 26th November 2022. The notice will go up outside the Lymington Arms with Councillor Hunt’s assistance.
Meeting closed at 8.35pm.
Date of next meeting Thursday 12th January 2023 at which the precept will be agreed.