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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th January 2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor James Limond.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires also attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor Susan Vile
2/ Public Questions
Not applicable as none present

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct.

4/Matters arising
Refurbishment of village sign – still to be completed. To be removed by Councillors Penter and Peters first, delayed as waiting for paint to be supplied.
Water on the road from Lama Cross to Partridge Walls – DCC Councillor Margaret Squires has emailed Steve Tucker from Devon Highways asking for a site meeting. *Update still waiting for a meeting due to Covid 19 delays

5/ Grass Cutting Grants
It was agreed that the Grant amounts will remain the same as 2021,
Church £600
Chapel £200
Village Hall £200
The verges will continue to be cut by the PC using the same contractor (Paul Wright) as last year which cost £196 but a very good job done.
6/Queens 70th Jubilee 2022 – Celebration plans
Councillor Gail Tucker came up with some ideas about a social event with live music and catering provided. It was agreed that the parish council would attend the next village hall meeting on 20th January to discuss a liaison. It was also agreed that an amount of £1500 could be allocated towards the funding of the event, with Gail also looking into a Grant application for it.
7/Budgets for 2022/23 – Final decision for Setting the Precept
As the PC is committing £1500 to the Jubilee Party the final precept amount is £3900, an increase of £200.
Notice board new and refurbishment costs – 2 quotes obtained by the clerk.
H Colgrave £325
O Fay £350
The PC decided to go ahead with the quote from Oliver Fay as he is from Wembworthy.

8/ Update on the councillors specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
21/02162/FULL – removal of condition 9 planning permission to allow holiday accommodation to be used as an Annexe (without occupancy restrictions) at Gosses Farm Bridge Reeve
No comments or objections from the PC  - Has now been withdrawn
21/02445/HOUSE Erection of single storey extension 4 Coronation Villas (revised scheme) – previously agreed by the PC – no further comments made
Oliver Hunt - Roads & Hedges –  The usual pot holes have been reported. Councillor Hunt to liaise with DCC Councillor Margaret Squires and Steve Tucker from Devon Highways about the water on the road see matters arising. Road closure signs have been left by contractors recently, which was mentioned to DC councillor Margaret Squires and the lack of notification to the clerk has been noted for road closures. Councillor Squires explained that often contractors use the reason “emergency works” which doesn’t require notification. The signs being left seems to be a County problem with them being moved to the road side until they are eventually collected. (Staff shortages being blamed)
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village
Only update is that the costings have been done and are viable but won’t have a chance be signed off now until the new financial year in April.
 Lawrence Peters - Flagpole –New flag obtained by the clerk so will be replaced shortly.
Gail Tucker - Public Relations and Social Media – The PC will attend the village hall meeting about the Platinum Jubilee event as above.
Susan Vile - Church & Chapel liaison – not present.
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison
The Quiz in November was fully booked and raised £420. Next meeting 20/1/22 to start planning events for this year.

a) Update on bank balance £6489.70 as at 30th September no movement since.
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda - total £322.07
P Wright – verge cutting - £84
S Goody – defibrillator batteries - £47.40
 K Bailey – village planters - £100
G Tucker – Christmas Tree and electricity donation to the church £60
J Hunt – printing costs, emergency contact and info sheet £11.78

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Jubilee 2022 celebration plans

Date of next meeting Thursday 10th March 2022