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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th July 2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor  Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires also attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor Oliver Hunt.
Jeremy Flynn, Chairman of Wembworthy Village Hall attended in connection with the Jubilee celebrations debrief.
2/ Public Questions & Visitors
No other members of the public present

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Village sign refurbishment – sign is with Peter Heale ready for painting and the PC expected to see him tonight at the meeting. Clerk to email Peter for update.
Jubilee Event finalising finances for Grant application and feed back about the event.
Expenditure totals £2820.63
Grant amount £2697
It was discussed and agreed that the village hall would reduce their expenditure claim by £123.63 to take up the deficit as a new gazebo was purchased which is a great asset for the community facility and can obviously be used again.
The bar takings totalled £720 and it was decided by the Village Hall committee that this would be donated to the charity CRY in memory of local boy Ollie Thompson.
The event had a great turnout with all age groups present. Eggesford was well represented but Brushford missing for some reason, perhaps due to being unable to communicate with the Parish Representative Rob Watts, despite efforts made.
Councillor Vile distributed the remainder of the commemorative mugs to the children in the parish.
The memorial slate that was suggested is it going ahead and will the PC cover the cost? PC to decide at the next meeting.

5/The Lymington Arms as a Community Asset?
It was proposed by Councillor Vile that an application be made to register the pub as a community asset in light of the recent planning application made to convert part of the pub into self catering accommodation (Application 22/00878/FULL).
This was agreed by Councillors Limond, Peters and Tucker. Councillor Penter abstained from the vote.
Councillor Vile stated that a letter from villagers was being prepared supporting this so she will gather more signatures and present it at the next meeting. The clerk, however, is to go ahead and complete the Assets of Community Value Nomination Form.

6/Taking over the management of the village playground
DC Councillor  Margaret Squires suggested asking MDDC for a condition report and an indication for how long it will be maintained, as the DC should do this for the life of the existing equipment. The clerk is to email Steve Densham at MDDC to ask this and for an estimate of annual costs for the playground to see if this is feasible for a village the size of Wembworthy and the precept would have to be increased to pay for this.
A section 106 funding plan to spend £1442 on new junior play equipment is now pending with MDDC until decisions can be made.

 7/ Insurance Review

Insurance cover reviewed and it still meets the Parish Councils needs.
There is no increase in premium as the PC is in a fixed term agreement, but this is the final year.

8/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning
22/01111/FULL – Alterations to approved dwelling with erection of a two storey extension and garage. The Beeches Bridge Reeve
This was circulated by email, as the deadline date was 13th July 2022 and responses were received from 4 councillors that no objections or comments to make.

Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison
The “Tea Cake and Conversation” session has now been changed from its afternoon slot to a “Coffee Morning” instead on the first Friday of the month.  There is a “Big Breakfast” planned for Saturday 3rd September 2022.

Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges –
Not present, but a message to the clerk confirmed that the pot holes between Staple Green and Bridge Reeve have been reported.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole – It was agreed that the Jubilee flag should continue to be displayed until the end of the year.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
The PC needs to set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting and decide on its format. It was decided that the date should be the 8th September which is the current date for the PC meeting, so moving the PC meeting to the 15th September. This will ensure that any feedback can be actioned soon afterwards if necessary. The Cheese and Wine format will be continued. The clerk will amend the website meeting dates.
Joanne Hunt is no longer able to edit and produce the village newsletter The last one will be in August. The village hall committee will discuss at their next meeting the way forward. The PC is keen not to lose the newsletter so will monitor the situation.

Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison –
The church is continuing with its coffee mornings with the next one being on Tuesday 19th July. The next service is August 7th. No news from the Chapel.           

a) Update on bank balance £10743.58 as at 30th June 2022 which is made up as follows
£8286.58 PC funds
£2457 Jubilee Grant - £240 spent on jubilee mugs with a cheque issued to Eggesford Print on 27th May 2022
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
S Goody (clerk) - £2.04 – postage costs
Community First Insurance - £199.26
Jubilee Costs
Wembworthy Village hall £1711.62  (£123.63 to be refunded as per Agenda item 4)
Gail Tucker £869.01

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 15th September 2022
There will be feedback from the APM on 8th September to discuss.