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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th March 2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Lawrence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile.
Apologies were received from Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale who both had to attend other meetings.

2/ Public Questions
Not applicable as none present

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct.

4/Matters arising
Refurbishment of village sign – still to be completed.
Water on the road from Lama Cross to Partridge Walls –asking for a site meeting with Steve Tucker from Devon Highways. *Update still waiting for a meeting due to Covid 19 delays.
Jubilee celebrations, see separate Agenda item.

5/ Playground responsibility
We have been approached by MDDC as the lease for the land on which the playground stands is up for renewal.  There was also a request from some time ago, for new toddler swings from Section 106 funds, which MDDC have now confirmed as approved. This has prompted the dialogue for the PC taking over the responsibility for the play area in future as MDDC are no longer looking to continue. The PC was in agreement about its concern for the financial implications for doing this as having had no previous experience in this field. No decision can be made as budgets for 2022/23 have already been set and a feasibility study will be needed.  The clerk is to speak to Lapford PC and MDDC councillor Peter Heale has offered his help. Clerk to report back to next meeting in May.

6/Queens 70th Jubilee 2022 – Celebration plans
An event will take place on Saturday 4th June 2022 at the village hall.
All activities will be in one place.
Craft workshops 2-5pm
Jubilee Cake competition then Parish Tea
Fun Quiz sheets that can be picked up.
Possible children’s entertainer, still being sourced.
Social Evening with Live music, subsidised bar and free BBQ
There will also be a village scarecrow competition to be judged on 3rd June, with the winners being announced at the Parish Tea.
An application for a grant has been made by Councillor Gail Tucker for £2700 so no funds now needed from the PC if approved.
It was suggested anyway that there be a gift to all children in the parish from the PC. It was voted for unanimously that a commemorative gift be given. Councillor Tucker will research the best option which is likely to be a Jubilee Mug.

7/Broadband – BT Openreach Application progress
Councillor James Limond has now had a response to the application which has been costed and approved.
The quote has been formalised at £89700.
The next step is setting up a Community Interest Company so that a contract can be agreed with Openreach.  £35 registration fee needed.
A public meeting was suggested and the date of 26th May 2022 agreed.
The villagers that gave their postcodes will then need to agree that their gigabit vouchers can be applied for which is usually done by email. Then it will be an acknowledgement that a broadband service is being taken up, again by email.
Councillor Limond will approach a representative from another successful village to come and speak at the meeting so that any fears can be allayed.
8/ Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
21/02445/HOUSE - Erection of single storey extension 4 Coronation Villas (revised scheme) – has been approved.
22/00237/HOUSE – Erection of single storey extension Upcott Farm Wembworthy – this was circulated by email to all councillors prior to the PC meeting as there was a deadline of 24th February 2022. No objections or comments were made.

Oliver Hunt - Roads & Hedges –  Pot holes are as bad as ever, the PC needs to keep reminding the public to report them online so a Facebook article will be posted again and future village newsletters noted . Some maintenance work has been observed to hedges and drains in the village.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village
See Agenda item 7/.
Lawrence Peters - Flagpole –
nothing to report all in good order. There has been talk of another slate plaque like the one sited for the Jubilee in 2012 being placed next to the flag pole but will be confirmed soon.
Gail Tucker - Public Relations and Social Media –
See Agenda item 6/.
Susan Vile - Church & Chapel liaison – regular church services now being held on the first Sunday.  A coffee morning is being held to raise funds for Ukraine. No contact from the Chapel again.
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison
The next village hall meeting is 17th March which will continue with the plans for the Jubilee as nothing else planned for now.

a) Update on bank balance £6167.63 as at 28th February 2022
b) Cheques signed as per Agenda - total £718.86
Wembworthy Village Hall – £70 – Hire of the hall, annual charge.
O Fay - £230 – Refurbishment of the PC notice board and supplying a new one for the bus shelter.
S Goody – clerk – £18.86 - replacement union jack flag
S Goody – clerk – £400 - wages (half yearly payment)
n.b. Grass cutting grants to be paid in May totalling £1000

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda – nothing raised
Date of next meeting Thursday 12th May  2022