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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22nd September  2022 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Lawrence Peters and Councillor Susan Vile.
Apologies received from Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Peter Heale.
Apologies were received from Councillor Gail Tucker
The chairman paid tribute to the late Queen and explained that this meeting had been postponed from 15th September so as to not take place during the national mourning period.  The Annual Parish Meeting on the 8th September was also cancelled.

2/ Public Questions & Visitors
2 members of the public were present. Kate Morris from the Lymington Arms who wished to clarify the position of the pub regarding the planning application and the PC application to register the pub as an Asset of Community Value.
Philip Thorne a village resident also attended.
KM -The planning application has been withdrawn due to the onerous information being asked for by MDDC. The idea of using the dining room to create self catering accommodation was to ensure the pubs survival by providing another source of income.  KM feels that the space is not being used at the moment by the village as the village hall takes up the need for a function room.
PT commented that the pub usage overall was difficult as opening hours have varied so in the summer early closure was puzzling.
KM commented that if pub is empty for long spells it will close early.  The PC wanted to register the pub as an ACV to show that the village wants to keep the facility, but recognises that unless it is supported by residents this is under threat.  Suggestions included quiz nights, music more apparent in the bar and better communication of events happening. A copy of the letter from villagers supporting the ACV application was shared with KM as requested.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Village sign refurbishment – further contact with Peter Heale has revealed that he opines that it is not fit for purpose. Clerk to obtain quote for new one and contact Councillor Squires about any locality budget to cover the cost. Previous experience is that Devon Highways will not cover the cost.
Jubilee Event Grant - final decision about commemorative plaque is to go ahead as final finances revealed that £240 available. The PC would now like to add a memorial message for the Queen to it. Councillor Tucker to arrange this but not present at the meeting. The clerk is to look at examples of appropriate wording and liaise with Councillor Tucker to get a price.
Asset Of Community Value Application – The application needed information not readily available about how the business is run and the set timescale was about to elapse. The Land Charges Officer suggested withdrawing the application until the info had been obtained.  The clerk is to resubmit the application as soon as possible adding the letter from the villagers to it, as it was brought to the meeting by councillor Vile.
Annual Parish Meeting cancellation – clerk suggested new date in December as likely to have more support being close to Christmas. It was agreed to hold the APM on Thursday 8th December 2022.  A group has contacted the PC about holding a presentation so it could be included. The Tarka Railway Association, about campaigning for the old railway in North Devon being reopened and linked to the Tarka line. The clerk will obtain more details regarding timings etc.
5/Budgets for 2023/2024 including taking over the management of the village playground
Grass cutting grants to remain the same level as last year.
New village road sign needed as previously minuted
The playground is now under threat, as if the village doesn’t take it on MDDC will be closing it down.  This is a very relevant topic for the APM in December and also needs to be put into the village newsletter to gauge public opinion. A Trust or management committee will need to be set up and the precept increased. The clerk will ensure the item is inserted into the next newsletter. There will be time at the January PC meeting to take the final decision before the precept application is submitted.

6/Parish Review Consultation Period
Mid Devon Communities are invited to have their say on a further round of consultations about parishes in the district. It was commented on that combining Eggesford and Brushford with Wembworthy would make sense as neither neighbouring Parish Meeting is able to raise a precept and this could benefit their communities greatly. This needs to be a newsletter topic but the timescales are too short. The clerk is to contact the 2 Parish Representatives and comment on the online form as a suggestion for now.

7/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning
22/01620/FULL Annexe, Gosses Barn, Bridge Reeve - change of use to holiday let. No comments were put forward by the PC.
22/10627/HOUSE Hillcrest, Wembworthy – erection of single storey extension and alterations to roof to provide extension to first floor accommodation. – No comments to make by the PC.

Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison
The AGM is being held on 29th September 2022 with complementary cheese and wine provided by Hawkridge Dairy, all councillors are invited. Otherwise the newsletter is to continue with a new format.

Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges –nothing to report but would like to reopen the topic of traffic calming measures outside the village playground.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole – 2 new Union Jacks have been purchased as it is no longer relevant to display the Jubilee flag. The village flag had been flown at half mast during the mourning period for the late Queen.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – not present

 Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – No news from the Chapel. The church is holding its Harvest Festival service on 2nd October 2022. The coffee mornings have been halted for the winter period. There is a memorial shoot at Blue Fox Glade on 25th September 2022.                                                                                                                         

a) Update on bank balance £8085.27
which is made up as follows
£7845.27   PC funds
£  240.00   Jubilee Grant

b) Cheques signed as per Agenda
S Goody (clerk) - £453.00 – clerks wages half yearly amount
HMRC - £47.00 – PAYE on clerks wages
S Goody - £38.95 stationery – paper and ink
S Goody - £45.12 – replacement union jack flags
S Goody - £59.48 – APM Cheese and Wine (wine unused)

9/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 10th November 2022
Councillor Hunt asked that traffic calming measures be on the Agenda