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The Annual Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 18th May 2023 at the village hall for 7pm, followed by the full Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm

Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda 7pm

a) Confirmation of Election results
No election was necessary as only 5 councillors were returned leaving 2 vacancies, Councillors Graham Penter, James Limond, Laurence Peters, Gail Tucker and Susan Vile.

b) Previous years Chairperson’s Report. Chairman Councillor Penter delivered his report.

c) Treasurer’s Report. The clerk delivered the report comparing finances to the previous 2 years. A copy of the report is below.

d) Re election of officials
Councillor Graham Penter was re elected as Chairperson. Nominated by councillor Peters seconded by Councillor Tucker.
Councillor Susan Vile was elected as Vice Chairperson. Nominated by Councillor Tucker and seconded by councillor Peters

e) Completion of the declaration of acceptance forms and filing of any Election Expenses.

Councillors were made aware of travel expenses of 40p per mile that could be claimed as the election forms had to be driven 22 miles to Tiverton in person.

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
All members present except Councillor Limond
Apologies received from Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires

2/ Public Questions
Emma Bowyer attended her second meeting as a member of the public to follow up on the future of the playground and a road traffic sign showing “parent and child crossing” at Wembworthy Down Lane.

3/ Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

4/Matters arising
The village playground
As a new District councillor has been elected it was proposed to invite him to the next meeting. The PC would then garner his support to help save the playground from potential closure in the future.
The proposed crossing and speed limits
A site meeting was held by Emma Bowyer with DC Councillor Margaret Squires on 22nd March 2023 and a follow up email was sent to the clerk. Margaret suggested 2 requests be made by the PC. The first, for a road sign stating “parent and child crossing”  which she would try and contribute to from the Locality Budget. Secondly, a formal request to have 30 MPH limit signs moved to the approach to Wembworthy Down Lane and extend beyond the junction at Spekes Cross. This would be forwarded to HATOC.
It was approved by the PC that both these requests are made by the clerk

Coronation Mugs
Councillor Susan Vile has ensured all children in the parish have been given a mug. Susan has also sold some mugs and handed the clerk £100 to bank. Susan suggested trying to sell some more at the coffee morning at the village hall on 2nd June and that if any were left, they could be donated to the village hall. The PC agreed.

5/Update on the councillors specialist areas
Roles to be reallocated by the Chairman - all roles to remain the same as below with all councillors having responsibility for roads and hedges

Graham Penter – Planning -
nothing to report
All councillors – Road & Hedges
– nothing new
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
– a new chain is needed
Gail Tucker – Public relations & Social Media
– village information sheet needs updating.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – coffee morning has started again the 2nd Tuesday every other month
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison – Coronation party on 6th May was a success raising £189 for the village hall. A Sunday brunch was held on 23rd April and a Big breakfast will be on 16th June. A quiz on 21st July.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village –
JL not present


a) Update on bank balance  - as at 28th April 2023 £11804.67
£11564.67    PC funds
£ 240.00     remainder of  the Jubilee Fund for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign  Total £1628.11
Annual Grants for grass cutting
Wembworthy Church £600
Wembworthy Chapel £200
Wembworthy Village Hall £200

DALC membership subs £85.92
S Goody Jubilee plaque £193.44
Eggesford Print , Maria Hill for Coronation mugs £348.75

c)Approval of Year End Accounts and Audit Report
i)Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Certificate of exemption for authorities with an income of less than £25000 approval by the Parish Council 2022/23 – approved
ii)Annual Governance Statement 2022/23
iii)Accounting Statements 2022/23
The relevant statutory documents will be published on  the PC website.
Date for period for the exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts is Monday 12th June and ends on Friday 14th July 2023

7/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda.
Date of next meeting Thursday 13th July 2023