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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9TH November 2023 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Susan Vile and Councillor James Limond  all present.
 Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable also present.
Apologies received from Councillor Gail Tucker

2/ Public Questions
 No members of the public present.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Saving the Playground
A steering group led by Councillors Limond and Tucker has been formed and are due to have a meeting shortly once Gail  is well enough.
The landowner has changed and the annual rental amount requested is £350. The previous landowner’s amount agreed with MDDC years ago was £50. The group will go over costing and the publicity approach; it will be advertised in the village newsletter again together with the annual parish meeting, where it will be the main topic of debate.
Annual Parish Meeting (Cheese and Wine Event) 11th December 2023 – The PC is to focus on the playground only but the clerk is to publicise that other village groups may attend if they wish to do presentations.

5/ Budget planning and setting the Precept
The only plan for spending is the playground, which potentially could be higher than originally thought.  It was initially to keep the requested amount at £5400, which had been increased by £1500 last year in preparation for the extra responsibility. It was agreed that it wouldn’t make sense to decrease this amount now. This will be confirmed and voted for at Januarys meeting.

6/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning – Application 23/01376/HOUSE Erection of garage – decision is approved
23/01120/HOUSE Erection of 2 storey extension and detached garage 1 Hayne Farm Cottages Wembworthy –  The PC is pleased to see the renovation of this property which has laid derelict for over 30 years. There will be 2 cottages. The application is only for NO 1. as it is being extended. The only concern is the access is narrow to the rear of the property where the garage will be built but this isn’t necessary to comment on, so the PC will forward a comment giving its support for the application.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – Remembrance Day Service Sunday 12th November, Susan will lay a wreath on behalf of the PC. Coffee and chat session 14th November 10am-12pm. Carol Service 3rd December at the church. No contact from the Chapel but they are now contributing to the village newsletter.
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
– LP not present. The jubilee plaque still needs to be put in situ.  The wet weather has prevented this from happening. Councillor Penter is on to this. Another flag had to be replaced, all quality of flags have done this, save spending hundreds of pounds,  so suggested ordering another of the same in reserve.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
Christmas tree and lights be put up this year, date to be agreed by GT (not present). MDDC has set up a petition about the condition of the highways, This will be put on the PC Facebook page by the clerk.
James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village
No further news since last meeting. To reemphasise that is it now Open Reach who have the contract but not planned to build until the next financial year onwards and may be at the bottom of the list as only has to comply with government deadline of 2025
Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – The AGM is on Tuesday 21st November . Monthly social evening 25th November and Festive Event 30th December. Festive Coffee morning 1st December with craft stalls.

a) Update on bank balance
£8560.09 as at 30th September 2023 which is made up of
£8513.53 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – clerk  - postage costs £8.70.  Clerk happy that carried forward to Januarys meeting as Councillor Peters not present to sign a cheque.

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda                                                       
A query was raised by MDDC Councillor Keable about the Emergency Plan for Wembworthy.  It was explained that this was discussed previously and decided against due to the village not having that need.
It was agreed that as this discussion was a few years ago and that as storms appear to be more frequent it would be put on the Agenda next year.