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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19th January 2023 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Councillor James Limond and Councillor Gail Tucker. DCC Councillor Margaret Squires and MDDC Councillor Peter Heale were unable to attend.
Apologies were received from Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor Susan Vile and Councillor Laurence Peters.

2/ Public Questions
3 members of the public were present who wished to ask if anything could be done to save the play park. All have grandchildren who come to stay and find the facility really useful. It also gets regularly used at village hall events when children are present.
The chairman stated that this item was being discussed tonight with a vote to be taken. The vote will go ahead despite only 3 councillors being present as this is now time critical. This subject was on the PC Agenda for the last 2 meetings and was advertised at the Annual Parish Meeting in December, with the hope that residents would come forward to discuss the way forward. This is the first time anyone has shown any interest.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Jubilee Event Grant - The commemorative plaque
The clerk has ordered the engraving of the piece of stone donated by Colm Fay. The cost has been quoted as £193.44 and will be completed within 4 weeks. The remaining amount will cover the cost of concreting which will be done by Councillor Peters.
The Asset of Community Value Application – The Lymington Arms. The application has been approved.
Village sign refurbishment –The new sign is with Councillor Penter and once the weather improves it will be installed. There will be the cost of 2 bags of concrete to cover so approx £15.00.

5/The Village Playground and final decision about the Precept amount
The clerk presented a report on the financial implications of the PC taking over responsibility for the park. MDDC have approximated that it costs £2200 a year to operate. It has also stated that to save the park from immediate closure that the PC could contribute to this cost.

The clerk looked at the costs to the PC, if taking over responsibility, broken down as follows.
Grass cutting (to include verges)      £800 p/a
Insurance increase                              £100 p/a
Annual inspection report                   £100 p/a
Monthly maintenance check             £500 p/a
Maintenance provision costs            £500 p/a
Legal costs to draw up a lease           £500 initial

Estimated first year total                    £2500

To cover these costs the parish precept would have to be increased initially by £1500 and include the same amount plus each year thereafter. £500 p/a would come from existing reserves for the first 5 years. This results in an increase to a typical Band D property of approx £20 p/a giving a total of £58 p/a to each property for PC expenditure.
Council tax bills are expected to increase by 5% this year also, as there is a funding shortfall from central government, hence MDDC trying to cut costs by offloading the play park. The PC doesn’t feel that the village the size of Wembworthy has the resources to operate the park.
As an option of financial contribution by the PC is on the table the PC voted to save the park with all 3 councillors present in agreement.
It was proposed that the PC offer to contribute £1000 p/a. This offer will be communicated to MDDC with the response emailed to all councillors.
The other possible scenario is that the play park is fenced off, removing the football pitch, thus reducing the land used, and the costs involved. The clerk will discuss this with MDDC if needs be.
As the timescales for the precept are critical the amount of £1500 has been added to the existing £3900 so total amount to be applied for is £5400. If the situation changes the extra can be returned. However 2023 is an Election year so this always brings additional expenses.

6/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning
ENF/22/00303/URBAN – query lodged regarding dormer extension to Treoss Wembworthy as appears to be above roof level. Still awaiting a response from MDDC who have a large backlog of applications.

Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison
Events planned now include a Big Breakfast in February 2023 and a quiz on 27th January 2023.  The coffee morning held on the first Friday of the month has proved successful and has included craft stalls. An offshoot is the delivery of cakes left over to residents in need.

Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges – Councillor Hunt not present as in New Zealand so will report at next meeting.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
– The rope snapped so a repair kit has been purchased by the clerk and was handed to Councillor Penter.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
Newsletter was updated by the clerk and the Facebook page.  

 Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – Councillor Vile not present.

James Limond – Village Broadband
the Full Fibre application with Open Reach has hit the buffers due to new voucher funding criteria but will be pursued for the new financial year.           

a) Update on bank balance
£7370.12 as at 30th December 2022 which is made up of
£7130.12 PC funds
£240 Jubilee Grant
b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – £69.62 purchase of new defibrillator pads due to their expiry
S Goody - £36.34 refreshments for the Annual Parish Meeting
P Wright - £238 – cutting verges in the village 2022

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
 Next meeting Thursday 9th March 2023.  Meeting closed at 9.05pm