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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th July 2023 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Susan Vile, Councillor James Limond and Councillor Laurence Peters all present.
Apologies received from Councillor Gail Tucker and DCC Councillor Margaret Squires.

2/ Public Questions
 A member of the public attended to query why she does not have the village newsletter delivered and claims to have had comments deleted from the village facebook page. It was explained by the clerk that both these issues relate to the village hall committee. However the clerk is on that committee so will pass on her comments.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Road traffic sign and speed limit request – The “20 is plenty” signs still to go up until a response is received from Devon Highways

Installing the Jubilee Plaque
– It was agreed that Councillor Peters can decide where to site the commemorative plaque as long as close to the flagpole.  He will complete the works shortly.

The village playground – It was suggested to invite MDDC Councillor Steve Keable to the next meeting as he should have experience of taking over this type of facility at Lapford.

5/ Insurance Review
The insurance cover was reviewed and considered to be adequate. The PC wishes to remain with Community First and will sign a 3 year LTA to reduce costs.

6/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning – Nothing received to consider.
No response to the enquiry about the extension work at Treoss.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – Still no communication with the Chapel, although the clerk has now had some email contact due to the grass cutting grant. Details include a plan to apply for a grant to improve the car parking. A joint remembrance day service with the church is in discussion.
The church will have a Lammas service on the 6th August.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
– New chain handed to Councillor Peters for installation.  The Flag was kindly repaired by Linda Penter and a new flag is in hand when needed.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
Gail not present but the Village Information Sheet has been updated and will be distributed soon with the newsletter. The additional printing costs will be paid by the PC once known.

James Limond – Village Broadband
– It looks like Open reach have won the contract to provide fibre broadband in the area, like Airband won the contract for Eggesford, so villagers will expect a survey soon to complete before the next steps.

Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison - A quiz is on the 21st July and the annual Flower show on 19th August. The monthly village social is going well with plans for it to continue and the hall to apply for a premises licence.           

a) Update on bank balance
£10376.56 as at 30th June 2023
This is made up of
£10330  PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the  Jubilee Grant for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign
Community First  - Insurance - £180.72
MDDC – contribution to the village playground - £1000
S Goody – new defibrillator signs - £83.88
S Goody – replacement flagpole chain - £36.59
S Goody – postage - £6.00
K Bailey – village planters grant - £100

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Councillor Peters has been approached by villagers about the school bus for Chulmleigh Academy stopping at the junction at Spekes Cross as it is considered dangerous.  This was part of the reason the speed limit signs were requested. The clerk agreed to contact DCC Councillor Margaret Squires again to reiterate this.

 Next meeting Thursday 14th September 2023.