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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th March 2023 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver Hunt, Councillor James Limond, Councillor Laurence Peters, Councillor Gail Tucker and Councillor Susan Vile all present.
DCC Councillor Margaret Squires and MDDC Councillor Clive Eginton also present.

2/ Public Questions

a) 3 members of the public were present to ask if anything could be done to save the play park.
It was explained by the clerk that this subject was on the PC Agenda for the last 3 meetings and was advertised at the Annual Parish Meeting in December, with the hope that residents would come forward to discuss the way forward. 3 did come forward at January’s meeting as previously minuted.  The precept application deadline was 24th January, so a decision was made at the last meeting to save the park for at least the next 12 months by offering a financial contribution to MDDC.  This resulted in the increase of the precept by £1500 after calculating the potential costs of saving the park. Those present asked what would then happen after 12 months. The PC committed to ensuring this is high on the Agenda in 2024 so decisions can be made.
b) It was also asked if a crossing and at least a sign could be considered from the lane at Wembworthy Down towards the village hall and play park for families using the park and horse riders to make it safer. DCC Councillor noted this request and asked the clerk to email to her so that a site meeting could be arranged with Steve Tucker from Devon Highways and although the Locality Budget has been cut, there was a possibility of a contribution to the financial costs.
MDDC Councillor Clive Eginton introduced himself as the councillor now assigned to Wembworthy due to boundary changes. Wembworthy is now part of Taw Vale Ward with Eggesford staying in Taw Ward. He is also the Conservative candidate for the District elections on 4th May.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes

Jubilee Event Grant - The commemorative plaque
The clerk is picking up the completed sign this week.

The village playground – It was confirmed by the clerk that the initial offer of £1000 towards the cost of retaining the playground has been accepted by Steve Densham at MDDC. Councillor Eginton confirmed that regular playground inspections can be carried out by MDDC after that rather than employing someone privately. Otherwise see Agenda item 2.a)

5/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning
Nothing received.

Sarah Goody (clerk) village hall liaison
The village hall committee is organising a Kings Coronation party on Saturday 6th May 2023 with a bar and disco. More details will follow in the village newsletter.

Oliver Hunt – Roads & Hedges – Councillor Hunt has reported pot holes but as is everywhere in Devon the situation remains poor as to the state of the roads with several incidents of car damage locally. Councillor Eginton stated that he would try and help with any parish reports.

Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
– The rope has been repaired by Councillor Peters.

Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
Newsletter was updated by the clerk and the Facebook page.  

 Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – Still no communication with the Chapel but the church is active and a service is being held on 2nd April and coffee mornings will restart soon.

James Limond – Village Broadband – it looks like a new application may have to be considered. The clerk stated that an approach to the village hall has been made by Airband to provide free broadband which is being looked into. Airband installations appear to be very active in the local area so this may be the village’s option after all. Councillor Limond to monitor the options.           

a) Update on bank balance
£7026.16 as at 31st January 2023 as no movement since. 
This is made up of
£6786.16 PC funds
£240 Jubilee Grant for the plaque
b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – £15.29 flagpole repair kit
S Goody - £500 half yearly wages
Wembworthy Village Hall - £90 yearly hire of the hall
Z Penter - £16.20 to cover concrete for the new village sign as agreed at Januarys meeting minute ref. 4/c)

7/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
PC plans for the Coronation? Councillor Vile suggested something to mark the occasion and it was agreed that Coronation mugs would be given to the children in the village with the option to purchase them if adults requested them. The clerk will source these from Eggesford Print who supplied the Jubilee mugs, and make an initial order of 75.

 Next meeting Thursday 11th May 2023.  Meeting closed at 8.20pm