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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th September 2023 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Councillor Susan Vile, Councillor James Limond , Councillor Laurence Peters and Councillor Gail Tucker all present.
Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable also present.

2/ Public Questions
 A member of the public attended to observe the discussion about the children’s playground only.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Road traffic sign and speed limit request – The “20 is plenty” signs still to go up until a response is received from Devon Highways. As HATOC only meet 3 times a year this causes the delay in decision making.
Councillor Tucker suggested a sign at the bottom of the village in addition to the previously agreed position by Wembworthy Down lane.
The concerns raised previously about the school bus stopping safely at Spekes Cross was put to the guest councillors and Councillor Squires stated that concerns in other local areas including buses stopping on the main A377 road were dismissed as being unsafe for children. Therefore it is unlikely that the appeal to Devon Transport will be considered.
Children’s playground see agenda item 5/.

5/ Preliminary budget planning, including the responsibility for the village playground
The need for a steering group for the playground is still ongoing.  Councillor Tucker (public relations) has agreed to make a start and councillor James Limond ,who has young children that use the park, agreed to join her.  A fresh appeal will be made via the village newsletter and Gail will attend the next village hall meeting to garner support as it is an asset often used by hirers of the hall.  No other items for budgets were discussed and were deferred until Novembers meeting.

6/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning – Application 23/01376/HOUSE Erection of garage – no comments to make by the PC as acceptable
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison – No news from the Chapel directly but a Harvest festival service is being advertised for 1st October.  The church has no further news from the last meeting.
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
–The jubilee plaque still needs to be put in situ. As the Autumn period is quieter councillors Penter and Peters will be able to do this.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
The information sheet is ready for distribution with the October newsletter. There will be a Remembrance Day service on Sunday 12th November and we have located the 2 wreaths for use on the day. It was agreed that a Christmas tree and lights be put up this year.
James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village
No further news since last meeting.
Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – The AGM date is due to be published and the Social club meet on the 30th December will be the village Yuletide event.

a) Update on bank balance
£9060.09 as at 31st August 2023 which is made up of
£9013.53 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – clerk – half yearly wage £500
Cheque to Community First Insurance issued at the last meeting has been lost in the post so a duplicate was issued for £180.72

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda                                                       
 Next meeting Thursday 9th November 2023.  It was mentioned about the usual annual cheese and wine (APM) and that it should be held in June. As last year an event was held in December the same will happen on Monday 11th December so that public attention is drawn to the playground issue. The APM will then revert to its statutory date in either May or June.  It was mentioned that the hedges at the side of little Meadow need cutting back which is the tenant’s responsibility.
Meeting closed at 9.40pm