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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th January 2024 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter,  Councillors James Limond, Laurence Peters and Gail Tucker  all present.
 Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable arrived at 8.30pm
Apologies received from Councillor Susan Vile and Devon County Councillor Margaret Squire

2/ Public Questions
 No members of the public present.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Saving the Playground – update from the Steering Group
Communications between Gail and Steve Densham at MDDC have been continuing with an agreement in place that the playground and field be in a fit state for takeover. This will include a repair of fencing, clearance of ditches, the addition of the toddler swings which have been promised for several years and the request for additional play equipment. Steve has stated that he will apply for Section 106 monies to achieve this. Legal work cannot be completed by MDDC so Lenice Bell is using her contacts to draw up the lease. There was a recent drainage problem at the park entrance with blockage being reported. This was thankfully cleared within 24 hours by MDDC.
The PC has agreed that it is now committing to the takeover on 1st April 2024.

Annual Parish Meeting (Cheese and Wine Event) 11th December 2023

the feedback from this event is that
a) it was poorly attended, even though it was advertised well in advance in the monthly newsletters
b)it is being held at the wrong time of the year as statutorily it should be May or June.
c) The cheese and wine expense is a waste of money.
It was agreed to change the date to either May or June this year, the date to be agreed at the next PC meeting and to consider a different format, perhaps a quiz combined with the statutory part.
The main subjects discussed at the APM were the playground and speed limit signs, both of which are ongoing.
Emergency planning for Wembworthy - Agenda date to agree
The PC is to pick up this subject again later in the year as the storms etc seem to be more frequent.

5/ Budget planning and setting the Precept – final vote
Now the PC has formally agreed to take over the playground it was put to the vote.
Votes for, GP JL LP and GT so unanimous. SV not present but no objection lodged
Vote for the precept amount to remain at £5400 to support this extra expenditure.
Votes for GP JL LP and GT so unanimous. SV not present but no objection lodged.
It was suggested by GT to ring fence £3000 for the play park and all agreed.

6/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning –23/01120/HOUSE Erection of 2 storey extension and detached garage 1 Hayne Farm Cottages Wembworthy –   confirmed as approved
23/00173/HOUSE Alterations to roof pitch and installation of dormer window – Treoss Wembworthy  - This application is retrospective in that work commenced some time ago.  There have been recommendations by MDDC to modify the works already completed to bring them in line with planning regulations.  The PC did bring this to the attention of MDDC last year and is now happy that the works are being completed as required.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel
Laurence Peters – Flagpole and Jubilee plaque –
There has been problems with the rope breaking but a solution appears to have been found. The flag has again been taken down for repair due to fraying and a spare cheap flag has been purchased by the clerk so a substitute is always available. No suitable dry weather opportunity yet for the plaque installation.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –Christmas tree and lights were successful, but there was some storm damage to the lights so they might need replacing for next year. The PC will also need to purchase a much longer extension lead. It was suggested by the clerk that a living tree is purchased next year or plant the tree as a permanent fixture.
 James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village
No further news since last meeting.
Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – The monthly social evening continues to be popular. The festive party with disco was well attended.
The biggest event this year is having the roof replaced which will hopefully commence at the end of January. As this will deplete the majority of the halls funds a lot more fundraising is to be done with events and grant applications.

a) Update on bank balance
£8252.02 as at 31st October 2023 which is made up of
£8205.46 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – clerk  - postage costs £8.70.  
S Goody – clerk - £56.81 Cheese and wine expenses
S Goody – clerk – replacement substitute flag - £11.48
P Wright – grass cutting - £280
Councillor G Tucker – purchase of  Xmas tree - £45.00
PCC Wembworthy – contribution to electric for Xmas tree - £25.00

8/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Nothing else raised.     Date of next meeting Thursday 14th March 2024