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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th March 2024 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Councillor Graham Penter,  Councillors  Susan Vile, James Limond, Laurence Peters and Gail Tucker  all present.
 Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable present
Apologies received from Devon County Councillor Margaret Squire

2/ Public Questions
 A large group of Wembworthy and Eggesford residents attended to ask about the future of the Lymington Arms. This was due to some misinformation in the area that a change of use had been applied for.
The Asset of Community Value trigger has been activated by the current landlord’s intention to sell the premises. This has already been included on the Agenda for the PC to discuss. Several members of the public were not aware that the ACV had been applied for so the clerk explained the current situation and that the ACV was applied for in November 2022 as a response to a request from the village when a planning application was made to convert the dining room to holiday accommodation.  This was eventually withdrawn. The consensus of opinion in the room was that the community would like to save the pub.  The chairman reminded the public that tonight is not a public meeting but a PC meeting but asked if the community wanted to form a group and ask the PC to register its interest as a potential bidder on behalf of the community group, as the ACV entitles it to. This effectively triggers the 6 month moratorium and stops any potential sale until then. |It was unanimously voted by a majority show of hands to do this.  The chairman stated the PC would send the written request but the community group would need to organise their own public meeting to discuss the way forward. The majority of the public then left the meeting.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed by all present at the last meeting as correct.

4/Matters arising from the minutes
Emergency planning for Wembworthy - Agenda date to agree
The PC agreed to add this to the Agenda in July, once hopefully the playground is all sorted.  MDDC Councillor Steve Keable suggested sending a copy of the template used by Lapford PC to help, so will email this to the clerk.

5/ Steering Group update for the village playground
Recent contact with Steve Densham has established that the equipment ordered to be installed before takeover has been delayed. This has now been stated as in April in good faith. It was pointed out that until the PC signs a new lease that the responsibility still lies with MDDC. As there are still remedial works that need to be carried out such as fence repairs and digging drains, plus the rubber matting does exist and has been left to grow over with grass.  A site meeting was arranged with Lenice Bell but nobody turned up. The PC agreed that until the park was properly fit for purpose that it would be locked up and out of use. Once all issues have been rectified a rota will be set up to check maintenance monthly. MDDC Councillor agreed to intervene with Steve Densham to speed things along. MDDC did pay another years rent to the landowner although the lease has not been extended so the park is in a state of limbo until this is all resolved.
The PC agreed that if this can be resolved that it authorises a payment to Community First to increase the Insurance cover until the policy renews in August 2024.
Lenice Bell has also been authorised to purchase a large padlock and chain to secure the park and some closure signs.

6/Lymington Arms, Asset of Community Value, Moratorium
see Agenda item 2/Public questions.
The written request will be sent to the ACV team to state the intention to be considered a bidder although it will not be the PC directly making the bid as the community group will be planning to hold a public meeting to address this.

7/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning –nothing to discuss
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel –
Chapel – no news
Church –
Easter Sunday service will be at the church 10.30am. Coffee mornings are continuing 2 monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
Laurence Peters – Flagpole and Jubilee plaque –
The rope has broken again despite being renewed.  LP will try to use some plastic tubing to protect the rope.  If this doesn’t solve the problem then the \PC will consider whether to only fly a flag on set occasions.  The flag is also frayed again so the backup flag has been handed over by the clerk for use.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – The newsletter will need to be notified about the temporary park closure. The clerk will post this on the Facebook page.
James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village

No further news since last meeting but it was proposed that a letter of complaint be sent to Openreach about the lengthy delays or potential abandonment of the previously agreed fibre build in the village. This will be forwarded to all councillors for approval and signature by the clerk.  MDDC Councillor Steve Keable is also to sign the letter in support.
Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – The monthly social evening continues to be popular.
The work of having the roof replaced will start in March. As this will deplete the majority of the halls funds a lot more fundraising is to be done with events and grant applications. A quiz has been planned for Friday 5th April.

a) Update on bank balance
£7823.03 as at 29th February 2024 which is made up of
£7776.47 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque

b) Cheques to sign
S Goody – clerk  - wages for half year £500
Wembworthy Village Hall – annual hire charge for 7 meeting - £90
9/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of the Annual Parish Meeting  needs to be agreed for June
Date of next meeting Thursday 9th May 2024 which includes the Annual Parish Council Meeting   (AGM)