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The Annual Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 9th May 2024 at the village hall for 7pm, followed by the full Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm

Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda 7pm

a) Previous years Chairperson’s Report. Chairman Councillor Penter delivered his report.

b) Treasurer’s Report. The clerk delivered the report comparing finances to the previous 2 years.

c) Re election of officials
Councillor Graham Penter was re elected as Chairperson. Nominated by Councillor Tucker seconded by Councillor Peters.
Councillor Susan Vile was re elected as Vice Chairperson. Nominated by Councillor Tucker and seconded by councillor Peters

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Councillors Limond, Penter, Peters, Tucker and Vile present
Mid Devon District councillor Steve Keable present and delivered his report.
Apologies received from Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires

2/ MDDC Councillor Steve Keables Report

3/ Public Questions
Sherrie Marshall attended asking for an update on the village playground and Broadband for the village
She was referred to the Agenda  items below

4/ Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were agreed as correct

5/Matters arising
The village playground – The playground has been locked since the last meeting, waiting for a clear path to getting the work completed to bring the area to a satisfactory standard for takeover. 
 The PC agreed to remove the padlock to put the playground back into use as assurance has been given by Steve Tucker at MDDC that the responsibility is still with MDDC
Section 106 money had to be supported by Steve Keable to replace the equipment which has now been achieved.  The PC agreed that a ROSPA report be instructed after the works are completed.
The Lymington Arms – community right to bid – no approach or information on a bid has been made to the PC. Moratorium ends on 9th August 2024.
Emergency Plan – To be on Julys Agenda. Training is available which the clerk will circulate by email.
Annual Parish Meeting – will be on 17th June 2024 and will include a fun quiz, tea and cake and hopefully representation from village groups.

6/Town and Parish Charter Review
This has been circulated to all members who have read it and are happy for it to be adopted by the PC in future. The Pc therefore formally adopts the MDDC Town and Parish Charter and revised Planning charter

7/Update on the councillors specialist areas
All roles to remain the same as below with all councillors having responsibility for roads and hedges

Graham Penter – Planning -
nothing to report
All councillors – Road & Hedges – nothing new but this needs to be discussed again at each meeting as the state of the roads is one of the worst in Devon. Devon CC has pledged monies from the HS2 share-out to tackle this in 2024.
Lawrence Peters – Flagpole
jubilee plaque still to be installed
Gail Tucker – Public relations & Social Media
Playground news and the APM to be communicated within the village newsletter
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel liaison
no news
Sarah Goody (clerk) – Village Hall liaison – Completion of new roof has depleted most of the funds in hand. Looking for new committee members. Will suggest presence at the APM on 17th June. Monthly Social club continues to be successful. No other events planned.
James Limond – Improving Broadband for the village –
Latest information is the village is scheduled to be a build in quarter 1 2026/7 in line with government deadlines. Letter of complaint to Openreach CEO to be sent supported by MDDC councillor Steve Keable but unlikely to make a difference.  The digital phone lines in the village won’t be installed until the fibre build happens.

8/Grass cutting grants for the village
Grants approved the same amount as last year. See the amounts below.


a) Update on bank balance  - as at 30th April £12635.03
£12588.47   PC funds
£46.56         remainder of  the Jubilee Fund for the plaque
As the new precept amount of £5400 has been received the PC will ring fence £3000 in future for the village playground

b) Cheques to sign  Total £1115.53
Annual Grants for grass cutting
Wembworthy Church £600
Wembworthy Chapel £200
Wembworthy Village Hall £200
DALC membership subs £115.53

c)Approval of Year End Accounts and Audit Report
The PC is still looking for an internal auditor then an extraordinary meeting will be called. It was agreed to hold this before the APM on 17th June 2024 at 7pm

10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda.
Date of next Ordinary PC meeting Thursday 11th July 2024