Wembworthy Parish Council Meeting November 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th November 2024 at the village hall 7.30pm
1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Susan Vile, James Limond and Gail Tucker
Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable present together with Devon County Councillor Margaret Squires
Not present Councillor Laurence Peters
2/ Public Questions
Jeremy Flynn the chairman of Wembworthy Village Hall attended to ask about potential grant availability due to the hall needing funding to replace 2 fire exits.
Sherrie Marshall attended, as invited, to speak about the dog control issues at Flashdown woods and the public meeting that was held.
3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct
4/Matters arising from the minutes
Emergency Plan
The PC is still awaiting a copy of the Nymet Rowland Plan so a discussion and a decision can be made, as councillors still have reservations about a plan being necessary. Jeremy Flynn offered to forward information from village hall networking groups he has attended.
5/ Eggesford Forest Community Issues – representatives of the public meeting.
A community meeting was held in Wembworthy on 19th August with approx 50 attendees. A communication to Forest England was made by Lenice Bell detailing the concerns of nuisance dogs making life uncomfortable for other dog walkers and potentially worrying livestock nearby. The Community Ranger Shaun Woodward has responded acknowledging these concerns. Subsequently at their meeting on 7th October these issues were raised whilst representatives from Forestry England, Councillor Steve Keable, reps from the neighbouring policing team and rural crime team were present. Another meeting has been scheduled on 16th January bringing in councillors, after which a meeting with the community will be organised. In the meantime signs have been erected in Flashdown woods about livestock worrying.
6/ Eggesford Station Preliminary Parking Study and proposed Shuttle Bus
The Eggesford Station Monitoring Group ESMG has been formed chaired by Councillor Andrew Warner from Winkleigh Parish Council. This is as a result of Section 106 money for £126000 being granted to Winkleigh PC to improve the parking at Eggesford station by Torridge DC. Councillor Warner invited Wembworthy PC to join this group, Chairman Councillor Graham had an informal chat in September and a letter was introduced to the PC meeting.
Mid Devon DC are now involved via Steve Keable and they have admitted that the railway line surprisingly hadn’t been considered for review until now. This is likely to there being 3 District Councils having an interest in the topic. Further DC liaison meetings via the ESMG will take place to discuss more regular trains at Eggesford and the parking issues. The sum awarded will not cover the potential costs of further parking so will be up for discussion. More regular trains are needed as reports of college students not being able to access peak time trains has been raised. This topic is to hopefully be included in the Mid Devon Plan which is currently being reviewed. There are proposals for a couple of sites for parking under consideration. The shuttle bus was put forward by Winkleigh PC to run through to Chawleigh and back so will be included in future ESMG discussions.
As a DCC Consultation Response to the Devon & Torbay Local TransportPlanV4 Draft is currently asking for survey response, Mid Devon DC councillor Steve Keable asked that the PC make comments and submit a response. SK to liaise with the clerk as to the appropriate comments.
DCC Councillor Margaret Squires asked for the clerk to email her with the shuttle bus outline proposal.
7/ Budget Planning
A discussion about grass cutting grants was had to decide an appropriate increase as the amount has been held for several years.
It was agreed to increase the amounts as follows by approx 15%
Wembworthy Church £600 to £690
Wembworthy Chapel £200 to £230
Wembworthy Village Hall £200 to £230
Payments to be made in May 2025
As the play park will no longer exist the verges outside it will need to be factored in as previously under the MDDC umbrella. The clerk is to obtain a firm quote for all the verges in the village for the next meeting.
Other suggestions for spending
A Traffic calming sign was put forward by councillor Penter as nothing has been done about the junction at Speke’s cross with regards to a crossing sign by Devon Highways. However this was highlighted before for users of the play park which we will no longer have.
A 2nd defibrillator for the village at the Bus shelter – the clerk has received information about discounted schemes. Will need electric supply from the church. The clerk to contact the church warden before the next meeting
Replacement notice board as current one not really fit for purpose despite being refurbished in recent years. The clerk has looked at metal boards but deemed to be expensive so costs to be brought to the next meeting together with a carpentry option.
Contribution to the village hall – Jeremy Flynn put a case to the PC that as the increased precept had already been received for the play park, which was now not happening; to help fund the halls much needed refurbishment costs.
The PC agreed unanimously that it should support this and agreed the sum of £2000 towards the replacement of the unsafe fire doors which will cost £4975
8/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas
Graham Penter – Planning –Application 24/01305/PNCOU Land and building at NGR265584 112385 South of Kennydown Lane Bridge Reeve – Notification only – change of use approval of prior approval
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel – Concert 29th November at the church. Coffee morning at Eggesford church well attended
Chapel – no news and no contact
Laurence Peters – Flagpole and Jubilee plaque – LD not present The flag has been reported as only attached by one corner and is still upside down so will be rectified. Plaque still to be installed.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media – nothing else to report
James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village – no updates
Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – Quiz 11th October was well supported. Carol singing group 30th November at the village social. The village Christmas social is confirmed for the 28th December, with the disco booked which the PC has already confirmed a £200 contribution towards the cost
Roads and Hedges – Road closure notifications for Eggesford station again but will be finished this week
a) Update on bank balance
£10366.77 as at 31st October 2024 (last statement received)
£10321.21 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque
b) Cheques to sign
P Wright – annual bill for grass cutting of the verges - £300
The Christmas tree and new lights etc to be paid at Januarys meeting, costs agreed at approx £160
10/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 9th January 2025
There has been a request for a Ring and Ride charity donation
Meeting closed at 9.10pm