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Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th January 2025 at the village hall 7.30pm

1/ Members present and apologies
Chairman Graham Penter, Vice Chairman Susan Vile, Councillors Laurence Peters and Gail Tucker
 Mid Devon District Councillor Steve Keable
Not present Councillor James Limond

2/ Public Questions
Sherrie Marshall attended, to ask questions about broadband in the village but Councillor Limond was not present. Sherrie also asked about the devolution of councils as per recent media coverage.
District councillor Keable was able to give an update and information sheet about devolution which is at the stage of councils submitting their bids. Parish councils are usually unaffected unless boundary changes are proposed, which locally could possible mean larger areas. He suggested that the parish councillors keep themselves informed with developments.
A bike has been left outside the chapel for some time. Can the PC put it on Facebook that will be removed if not claimed? Clerk agreed to do this.

3/ Minutes of last meeting
Minutes agreed as correct

4/Matters arising from the minutes

Update on Eggesford Station parking study
Lots of emails flying around, too many to keep all councillors copied in by the clerk but meetings of the Eggesford Station Monitoring group, which is a group of local parish councils, are taking place which District Councillor Keable is well involved in so he will keep the PC up to date with any developments.  GWR are looking at several potential sites for parking. He is also confident that they shall have the strategic business case in 2 years for signalling and loops in the line that will enable 2 trains per hour.
PC Notice board – replace or refurbish? The clerk is still awaiting contact from the local carpenter about refurb cost but a new one has been costed at £1500. Deferred until next meeting.
Quote for grass verges – clerk has been given an estimate of £400 to be confirmed for next meeting.
2nd defibrillator for the village at the bus shelter – clerk has been in contact with the church warden who is to refer the matter to the PCC, plus it has come to light that the bus shelter is back in use by the school bus. It was discussed that it be placed in the church porch instead, potentially with no electricity cost, so the church warden will request this from the PCC as an easier option to install the unit.
The cost of the defibrillator is £750 which includes the heated cabinet which is subsidised by London Hearts. We are approved to have the unit but there is a timescale which we may now miss, so the clerk may have to reapply.

5/Update on the councillor’s specialist areas

Graham Penter – Planning –Application 24/01777/FULL Land and building at NGR265586 112388 South of Kennydown Lane Bridge Reeve. Erection of self build dwelling and garage following demolition of existing barn – circulated to councillors by email 13the Dec 24 and no comments were offered by PC members so clerk submitted no comments or objections from the PC.
Susan Vile – Church & Chapel – service on 2nd Feb 2025
Chapel – no news and no contact
Laurence Peters – Flagpole –
to be put back up once xmas tree and lights taken down this week.  Jubilee Plaque still to be installed.
Gail Tucker – Public relations and Social Media –
nothing else to report
James Limond – Broadband improvements for the village – no updates and not present.

Sarah Goody (clerk) Village Hall liaison – the Xmas social evening was well attended. The village hall committee extended their thanks for the £200 contribution towards the disco costs. Next quiz planned in March date tbc. The committee hopes to get the fire exits replaced soon now the Xmas break is over.
Roads and Hedges –
reminder to report pot holes to everyone as the Brushford road has become bad again as is the road towards Hollacombe


a) Update on bank balance
£10366.77 as at 31st October 2024 (last statement received)
£10321.21 PC funds
£46.56 remainder of the Jubilee Grant for the plaque
No movement since last meeting as cheque to P Wright for grass verges £300 not yet cashed.

b) Cheques to sign
i) Christmas tree and lights for the village
£45 Tree – G Tucker sourced from John Cockram
£25 Electric contribution to the church – PCC Wembworthy
£49.99 Cable Reel – S Goody sourced from Amazon
£39,99 replacement lights – S Goody sourced from Amazon

ii) Village Hall
£200 contribution towards the xmas party – Wembworthy Village Hall
£2000 grant towards new fire doors – Wembworthy Village Hall

7/AOB for next meeting’s Agenda
Date of next meeting Thursday 13th March 2025
Emergency plan to be added back to Agenda
Update from next meeting due on 13/1/25 about nuisance dogs
Steve Keable was able to update about the playground in that the equipment is still there. MDDC can’t get in to move it until drier weather arrives
80th anniversary of VE Day 8th May 2025 (date of PC meeting) clerk suggested looking at possible celebration ideas.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm