Amenities & Services
Services provided by this council:-
Parish Hall Playground & Youth Shelter
Adventure Playground - Merryside Villas - includes Adult Outdoor Gymn | Skateramps | BMX Grass Track
Drayford Green - a pleasant green adjacent to the Little River Dart, ideal for a picnic
Public Rights of Way
Public Convenience - The Square
Parish Clock
Bus Shelters
Public Benches
Noticeboards - The Square & Drayford Green
Defibrillator - Public Toilet Block, The Square
Litter & Dog Waste Bins - Locations
Parish Council grass cutting & weed spraying - Grounds Maintenance Schedule (excluding Cannington Rd & Willow Rise - see below).
North Devon Grounds Maintenance
Cannington Road Open Spaces Grounds Maintenance - Greenbelt Holdings Ltd - Developer Deed of Covenant .
Background: When Cannington Rd Section 106 was initially drafted the parish council had agreed to adopt the open spaces in the development and were due to receive a commuted sum for the first ten years of maintenance. Then at the request of the developer North Devon Council agreed to write the parish council out of the agreement, allow the developer to keep the commuted sum, fund the maintenance themselves and they put in place the Greenbelt arrangements. Only signatories to the section 106 can enforce the provisions, the parish council has no powers to compel Greenbelt to meet their obligations. In the first instance residents should inform Greenbelt when maintenance has not been completed. If maintenance fails to be carried out then residents should contact North Devon Council to fulfil their obligations through the enforcement process if required.
Willow Rise Open Spaces Grounds Maintenance - Remus Residents Management Company
North Devon Council have the powers to enforce against private Management Companies where there is non-compliance.