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Phase 1 Development Information

Reference: 62777 & 65041

Section 106 Agreement

Developer Larkfleet Homes & rebranded Allison Homes part of the Allison Group; both brands were purchased by management and US investment firm PIMCO in November 2021.


Phase 2 (Juniper Way) Proposal

Phase 2 proposal outside Development Boundary:-

Reference: 73742 & 74879
Residential development of 155 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Land south of
Broomhouse Park and west of Willow Rise Witheridge Tiverton Devon EX16 8FD
Grid Ref: 280364; 113978

Planning Committee 19/10/22 Agenda & Officer's Report

Planning Committee 13/10/22 Site meeting minutes

Planning Committee 19/10/22 Draft minutes with approval decision 

Section 106 Agreement



Allison Homes


North Devon Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA):-


Additional Information

Added 19/04/2024

Allison Homes Community Presentation

Added 10/07/22

Mid Devon District Council Local Plan - Policy DM24 4.75 Sports Field Witheridge.

The documents linked to below identify an allocation of land for a new Sports Field within Mid Devon on the southern edge of Witheridge village.  At the parish council 07/07/22 it was resolved to establish the process required to secure this land for the parish.

MDDC Local Plan | Land Allocation


Added 30/06/22

DCC HATOC Officer Report & Recommendations for School Crossing & Bus Shelters.

Amendments to planning documents available on District Council Planning website.




Added 04/06/22:-
North Devon Council (NDC) is the authority responsible for Housing Policy, direct associated queries on Affordable Housing to NDC.

Devon County Council (DCC) is the Highways Authority responsible for fulfilling requirements of the Willow Rise Section 106 agreement; the signatories to the agreement are detailed in the agreement on the NDC website at and are responsible for its implementation. Details in respect of highways related information should be directed to DCC.

Witheridge Parish Council is responsible for the Adventure Playground Refurbishment to be funded from the Section 106 Open Space Contribution.  The associated tender document is
publicly available on the parish council website and outlines the design, supply and build requirements for the playground refurbishment.

The Parish Council in making planning responses as a
consultee in respect of planning application 73742 sought to draw the Planning Authority’s (NDC) attention to departures in the application from their planning policies.  The full response is included in the parish council minutes of 03/02/22 on this website.