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Please note that Oakford is a working farming area, with steep hills, gullies, and a lot of mud! Please leave the gates as you find them, take only photographs and memories with you and leave only footprints behind. Be safe, plan ahead and follow the signs. Take some water with you if you plan to do the longer walks. Wear sensible shoes. Good waterproof boots or even wellies are recommended, especially in winter but you are likely to encounter mud at any time of the year. Please keep to the public rights of way and respect residents’ privacy.  Road walking has been kept to a minimum.

The times given are for a brisk walking speed. Bearing in mind the terrain it is best to be generous in your allowance, especially if you want to dawdle and enjoy the scenery and wildlife. You could easily double these times.

The description for most of these walks starts and finishes at the Red Lion pub. This is both a convenient landmark and provides a warm welcome during opening hours for those in need of refreshment.


Please keep your dogs under close control, and on leads when walking through farm land. There may be stock in the fields at any time. Dog walkers should also note that there is one stile on each of walks 1, 6 and 7. The other walks are now stile-free.

Walk Guides

The maps have been taken (with permission) from the Devon County Council Public Rights of Way website ( which has an interactive map showing all footpaths in red and bridleways in green (for Devon only). The walks below do not necessarily follow all of the footpaths and bridleways shown.

Click on the walk number below to view and/or print the guide:

Walk no.


Time (approx.)

Walk 1

2.6km (1.6 miles)

40 minutes

Walk 2

4.0km (2.5 miles)

50 minutes

Walk 3

5.3km (3.3 miles)

90 minutes

Walk 4

4.7km (2.7 miles)

75 minutes

Walk 5

10.3km (6.4 miles)

2 hours 30 minutes

Walk 6

10.5km (6.5 miles)

2 hours 15 minutes

Walk 7

5.5km (3.4 miles)

90 minutes

Walk 8

1.0km (0.6 miles)

25 minutes