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Welcome to the Silverton Parish Council website

This website aims to bring the best of everything that Silverton (Devon) has to offer celebrating all things good about the parish, its community, its activities and you the people who live here.



The Broad Oak Working Group is a Workin Group of the Parish Council which has been working hard and meeting on a regular basis.   A detailed Working Group Report has now been compiled by Miles Snowdon and a copy can be viewed below:


Silverton Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum result

Mid Devon District Council has confirmed the result of the Referendum held on Thursday 29th February 2024 as follows:


Votes in favour of MDDC using the plan to help it decide planning applications in Silverton - 459 - representing a 90.53 percentage of those voting


Votes against MDDC using the plan - 37 representing a 7.3% percentage of those voting. 


A copy of the official Notice can be seen here


Silverton Parish Council would like to thank everyone who voted


A copy of the adopted Silverton Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here



Website accessibility statement


Other Current Notes


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Would you like to be Councillor for Silverton Parish Council?

We currently have a vacancy on the Parish Council, if you have a couple of hours to spare each month and would like to serve your Community, please see vacancies to find out how to be co-opted onto the Council.