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Stoodleigh Parish Council is comprised of seven councillors who are elected every four years.

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Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor - Stoodleigh Parish Council

Notice has been given that a vacancy now exists for a Councillor in the Parish of Stoodleigh.

If within 14 working days of this notice, an election is requested by 10 persons who are named on the electoral register for Stoodleigh, an election to fill the vacancy will be held.

For full details, and who to contact, please see the Notice of Vacancy.


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Names and contact details for each of the councillors (2023-2027), and their areas of responsibility, are published on this website under Parish Councillors and on the two Parish Council noticeboards - outside the Parish Hall and the Stoodleigh Inn. 

The Parish Council meets regularly every two months in the Committee Room at the Parish Hall. The schedule of meeting dates is published annually. Any variations to this will be published in the agenda. Other meetings may be called from time to time where timescales require a decision by the Council earlier than the next scheduled meeting - for example, where the Council has been invited to comment on a planning application.

Agendas for forthcoming Council Meetings can be found at Meetings, Agendas and Minutes. They are also displayed on the Parish Council notice boards at least three clear days prior to the meeting.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings which open with an opportunity for Public Questions to the Council in respect of any items listed on the agenda for that meeting. Members of the public can observe the remainder of the proceedings but may not participate.  In the event an item under discussion is deemed confidential by its nature, the Council may by resolution exclude the public or press for that item.

Minutes of meetings are made available in draft form as quickly as possible after the meeting at Meetings, Agendas and Minutes or the Parish Council notice boards. They can be made available by appointment with the Clerk to the Parish Council.

In addition to regular meetings there is an Annual Parish Meeting which all parishioners are entitled to attend and vote upon any issues under discussion. 

The Parish Council is committed to complying with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and has published its Privacy Policy.

Parish Councils are required to make available a number of statutory documents on their Parish website. There is also a Parish Plan which was published in 2005.

Links to Mid Devon planning services are available from this website together with links to current and recent planning applications within the parish.