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UPLOWMAN, ON THURSDAY 20 JULY 2017 at 7.30pm

The evening will start with an open session at the Chairman will present a report on the past year and parishioners may raise matters of concern. All are welcome to observe the council meeting, which will start at about 7.45pm.

A full set of papers can be found here

  1. Attendance


  1. Procedural matters:

      2.1 Apologies for Absence

      2.2 Arrangements for giving notice of meetings

  1. Minutes of last meeting (9th May 2017)


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere


  1. Finance and procedures

       5.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since last meeting



Expenditure authorised on 9 May:



Current balance:



      5.2 Payments for approval:

              J Veen, for grass cutting: £183.75

              R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses: £9.13

      5.3 Arrangements for Clerk's annual Appraisal


  1. Planning and Licensing Applications (plus applications received after this notice) :

         6.1 17/0033/OUT: Erect 8 dwellings, Crosses Fm field: MDDC refused permission

        6.2 17/0630/F: Hr Locks Fm Calf Shed: UPC did not object, MDDC Permitted

        6.3 17/1108/OUT: Land NE of Twin Oaks: Erect dwelling – To be considered at meeting

        6.4 17/1131/CLU: Roselands: Lawful use in breach of Ag occupancy – to be considered at meeting




  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

       7.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

       7.2 Local Plans and Surveys, including Local Plan Review

       7.3 General Correspondence

       7.5 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association

       8.1 Report.

       8.2 Update on 2016-7 TAP award to UHRA: mobile cricket nets


  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

       9.1 Neighbourhood Watch Report


  1. Community Projects and matters.

      10.1Defibrillator Update

      10.2 TAP application 2017-8


  1. Parish Transport/Paths.

      11.1 Condition of roads in Parish: Lane between Whitnage and Cherry Tree

      11.2 Parking on road outside Hall at school drop off/pick up times.

  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 21 Sept, to be confirmed).