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UPLOWMAN, ON THURSDAY 17th MAY 2018 at 7.30pm

The evening will start with an open session at which a report on the past year will be presented and parishioners may raise matters of concern. All are welcome to observe the council meeting.

The full set of papers is available here

  1. Attendance

1.1     Election of Chair for the coming year, 2018-9


  1. Procedural matters, including reports from DCC and MDDC:

2.1    Apologies for Absence


  1. Minutes of last meeting (15th March 2018)


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere


  1. Finance and procedures

5.1             Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since last meeting (Precept less DALC sub)



Expenditure authorised on 15 Mar:



Current balance:



5.2           Payments for approval:

                R Hodgson, Clerk's expenses (£9.15)

                WJ Veen, grass cutting (£91.75)

                Community First Trading, Insurance premium (£192.01)

5.3           Review Governance statements

5.4           Review and approve Financial Statements and approve self-certfication of audit exemption.

5.5           General Data Protection Regulations: DPO not required. Review of communications needed.

5.6           Clerk’s salary for 2018-9


  1. Planning and Licensing Applications (plus applications received after this notice) :

6.1          18/00041/OUT: 8 dwellings in Crosses Fm Field. Opposed by UPC, refused by MDDC

6.2          17/00033/OUT: 8 dwellings, Crosses Fm Field. Appeal dismissed

6.2          Locks Fm, covered yard. Permitted by MDDC

6.4          18/00283/OUT: Jaspers Green, single dwelling. UPC asked it to be called in. Planning Cttee on 16th

6.5          18/00250/HOUSE: Connemara, erect extension. UPC had no objection, permitted by MDDC


  1. Parish Planning

7.1           Update on progress of group, and proposals for taking forward. Meeting on 18 May.


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

8.1          Environment, SWW, etc:

8.2          Local Plans and Surveys, Including Foot Path Definitive Map Review

8.3          General Correspondence

8.5          Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association

9.1          Report.


  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

10.1         Neighbourhood Watch Report


  1. Community Projects and matters.

11.1          School pa rking update

11.2         £420 available for projects in Uplowman from SP&U Parish Mag.

11.3         TAP fund open again


  1. Parish Transport/Paths.

12.1         Definitive Map Review: Consultation until Sept 21. Proposal to divert Footpath 11 at Wood Farm

  1.         Date of next meeting (Thursday 19 July 2018, to be confirmed).