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To be held in Uplowman Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm

The meeting will start with an open session, when parishioners may raise matters of concern. Jeffrey Curd of Tiverton Harriers will outline plans for this year’s 10k road race on 27 MayA full set of papers is available here.

  1. Attendance & Apologies for absence.

  1. Reports from DCC and MDDC.

  2. Minutes of last meeting (18 January 2024).

         3.1 Matters arising from Minutes of previous meeting not covered elsewhere.

  1. Finance and procedures

        4.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :


Income since last meeting (donation)


Expenditure authorised on 18 Jan:


Current balance:



4.2 Payments for approval:

  • UHRA, Hire of Hall, £48)
  • R Hodgson, Clerk’s salary (£750.00) and expenses (£5.50)
  • Playsafe (RoSPA), £104, for trim trail inspection (to be paid on invoice)

4.3 Review provisional year end balance. Agree Mr Clark as Internal Auditor

4.4 UPC Chair elect for 2024/5: offers to serve.

4.5 Annual Parish Meeting

4.6 Approval of Town & Parish Charter

  1. Planning

5.1 23/00354/FULL: Willow Barn, erect holiday cottage. UPC objected, MDDC refused permission

5.2 DCC/4358/2023: Greenway landfill. UPC objected on grounds of access. Revised proposals

5.3 23/01916/Full: Redwoods Inn, change use to residential. MDDC refused permission

5.4 24/00032/HOUSE: Twin Oaks single storey extn UPC no obj, MDDC approved

5.5 22/02102/MFUL Bycott Fm Halberton – anaerobic digester, revised proposals

  1. Community Projects and matters.

6.1Village signs have been finished and erected, with thanks to Cllrs Westerman & Adcock.

6.2 Supporting the Redwoods Inn development

6.3 Proposals for use of £275 from Parish Magazine plus £250 held from 2022-3 (Cllr Adcock)

6.4 Fruit trees on council Green

6.5 Offer of portrait of HM the King for Hall


  1. Environment & Healthy living

7.1 Taking a lead on reducing Uplowman’s carbon footprint


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

8.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

8.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

8.3 General Correspondence

8.4 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association Report

  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

10.1 Update


  1. Parish Roads/Paths.

11.1 Whitnage road repairs completed, thanks to DCC Highways.

11.2 Signage to reduce use of Whitnage Lane by large vehicles

11.3 Speeding at Crossways,


  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 16th May 2024).