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UPLOWMAN, ON THURSDAY 19th September 2019 at 7.30pm

The evening will start with an open session at which parishioners may raise matters of concern. All are welcome to observe the council meeting.

A full set of papers can be found here

  1. Attendance and election of Chair for the meeting.


  1. Procedural matters, including reports from DCC and MDDC:

       2.1 Apologies for Absence

  1. Minutes of last meeting (18 July 2019)


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere


  1. Finance and procedures

             5.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since last meeting



Expenditure authorised on 18 July:



Current balance:



           5.2 Payments for approval:

                 R Hodgson, Clerk's Salary (£565.00) + expenses (£6.70)

                 W J Veen, grass cutting (£128.25p)

                 UHRA, Hire of Hall March-Sept (£60.00)

                 A Kidley, clearing bus shelter (£100.00)

           5.3 Clerk’s Biennial appraisal

           5.4 Process for adding Cllr Norman as account signatory


  1. Planning

           6.1 19/00912/OUT: Crosses Farm, erect 8 dwellings. UPC has objected and decision is awaited

           6.2 19/0976/House: Fair Oak: Veranda & Carport. MDDC has approved this application.

           6.3 19/1067/House: School House: Erection of extension & Balcony. MDDC has approved this application.

           6.4 19/00529/FULL: Chieflowman Farm barn conversion MDDC has approved this application

           6.5 19/01236/PNAG: Greenend, erect machinery/storage building has been approved by prior notification


  1. Parish Planning

           7.1 Update on progress of Parish Planning group. Nothing to report.


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

           8.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

           8.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

           8.3 General Correspondence

           8.5 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association

          9.1 Report.


  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch

         10.1 Neighbourhood Watch Report. One crime reported during June-July (burglary, Baileys Knapp)


  1.  Community Projects and matters.

         11.1Bus shelter progress & proposals for bicycle rack.

         11.2 Repairs to school path

         11.3 Proposals for projects for the coming year.

         11.4 Use of playing field as night landing zone for Air Ambulance


  1. Parish Transport/Paths.

         12.1 Update

  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 21st Nov 2019, to be confirmed).