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ON THURSDAY 19th November 2020 at 7.30pm

Connection:, Meeting ID: 814 5105 9663, Passcode: 160646 or call in on 0203 481 5240 and input details via keypad. The meeting will start with an open session at which parishioners may raise matters of concern.

A full set of papers is available here.

  1. Attendance.


  1. Procedural matters, including reports from DCC and MDDC:

2.1 Apologies for Absence

2.2 Review of meeting arrangements


  1. Minutes of last meeting (17 Sept 2020).


  1. Matters arising from Minutes of last meeting not covered elsewhere


  1. Finance and procedures

5.1 Current position :

Bank balance at last meeting :



Income since last meeting



Expenditure authorised on 17 Sept:



Current balance:



5.2 Payments for approval:

           J Veen, grass cutting (£53.50)

          Remembrance wreath (£25.00), details to be arranged.

          UPCC: Support for burial ground (£350.00)

          Mid Devon Mobility: support for Ring & Ride (£25.00)

          Citizen’s Advice, Donation (£25.00)

5.3 Clerk’s appraisal: arrangements.


  1. Planning

6.1 20/00509/FULL: Greenend Ho: replace garage . Revised plans received. UPC obj. MDDC approved

6.2 20/01120/FULL: Hill Kiln Fm, change use to horse arena. UPC no objection, MDDC approved.

6.3 20/01378/CLU: Roselands, built 8m from agreed position in 1964. UPC no objection, no decision.

6.4 8 houses at Crosses Farm: Appeal dismissed

6.5 20/01250/FULL: Uplowman House. Convert outbuilding to residential.MDDC decision awaited

6.6 60 Houses at Higher Town, SP: Inquiry to be on 1st Dec


  1. Environment & Healthy living

7.1 Covid-19 response in Uplowman – How to take it forward


  1. Correspondence (See attached list plus any correspondence received after this notice)

8.1 Environment, SWW, etc:

8.2 Local Plans and Surveys.

8.3 General Correspondence

8.5 Village projects


  1. Hall & Recreation Association

9.1 Report.


  1. Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch


  1. 11. Community Projects and matters.

11.1 Bus shelter progress, proposals for bicycle rack installation.

11.2 Air Ambulance night landing – update

11.3 Parish broadband update


  1. Parish Transport/Paths.

12.1 Village sign, Sign at East Mere X, and kissing gate at Uplowman House.


  1. Date of next meeting (Thursday 21 January 2021, to be confirmed).