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The Down St Mary Village Hall is situated next to the Church, overlooking the Village Green. Until 1951, it served as the Village School.  It has recently been refurbished and is available for hire for functions and meetings.


Among groups that use the Village Hall are the Parish Council and Bow Young Farmers.

At present the Hall is also used for Pilates Classes


HALL BOOKING FEES  as at January 2023

£7.50 per hour

£60 for a full day

£37.50 for an evening party from 6.00 pm plus £30 refundable deposit

£5 Booking Non-refundable Deposit with ALL bookings made


Concessions only for advanced annual bookings and payments which equates to 10% of total hours booked and confirmed. Payments are to be made at point of booking.  This rate will be reviewed at each AGM to keep in line with inflation and comparable local Village Halls.

For example: 10 meetings of 2 hours duration @ £7.50 per hour = £150 less 10% for advanced booking and payment = £150 @10% [£15] = £135 due.


You can book the hall by calling Chris Tonkin, Bookings Secretary

on 01363 84490 or 07582895971


or alternatively email


Meetings of the Village Hall Committee

in the Village Hall at 7.30pm


Next Meeting: to be Monday 4th November

Minutes for 2024

15 January  Agenda  Minutes

12 February Agenda


Minutes for 2023

9th January

13th February

13th March

24th April- Annual General Meeting

24th April

15th May

19th June 

11th September

30th October

20th November [Agenda]


Minutes for 2022

10th January

7th February

7th March

25th April - Annual General Meeting

25th April

9th May

23rd May

20th June

4th September

3rd October

7th November


Minutes for 2021

1st June

9th August


Minutes for 2019

Monday 14th January 2019: Minutes

Monday 11th February 2019: Minutes

Monday 8th April 2019 [AGM]: Minutes

Monday 8th April 2019: Minutes

Monday 29th April 2019: Minutes

Monday 20th May 2019: Minutes

Monday 24th June 2019: Minutes

Monday 12th August 2019: Minutes

Monday 23rd September 2019: Minutes

Monday 21st October 2019: Agenda

Monday 18th November 2019:


Minutes for 2018 

Monday 22nd January 2018: Minutes

Monday 12th February 2018: Minutes

Monday 12th March 2018: Minutes

Monday 9th April 2018 [AGM]: Minutes

Monday 9th April 2018: Minutes 

Monday 30th April 2018: Minutes

Monday 4th June 2018: Minutes

Monday 18th June 2018: Minutes

Monday 20th August 2018: Minutes

Monday 1st October 2018: Minutes

Monday 12th November 2018: Minutes


Minutes for 2017


Monday 4th December 2017: Minutes

Monday 13th November 2017: Minutes

Monday 9th October 2017: Minutes 

Monday 11th September 2017: Minutes

Monday 14th August 2017: Minutes

Monday 10th July 2017: Minutes 

Monday 12th June 2017: Minutes

Monday 8th May 2017: Minutes

Monday 10th April 2017: Minutes [AGM]

Monday 6th March 2017: Minutes