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The Parish Council has adopted a Code of Conduct and Standing Orders by which it operates.

In accordance with the DCLG's Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, Parish Councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 must publish no later than 1 July in the year, immediately following the accounting year to which it relates.

Statutory documents for the Parish Council are available to view by year below. All accounts are subject to external audit.

Year-end accounts information 2022-23:

Year-end accounts information 2021-22:

Year-end accounts information 2020-21:

Year-end accounts information 2019-20:

Year-end accounts information 2018-19:

Year-end accounts information 2017-18:

 Year-end accounts information 2016-17: 

 Year-end accounts information 2015-16:

Year-end accounts information 2014-15: